

苹果手机"STG类手游排行榜"由点点数据提供。本次排行榜包含了:WAGARA - Japanese pattern STG、银翼战机、心灵射手-飞行弹幕射击游戏stg、垂直滚动的射击游戏:NeoREGAINER、极限轰炸、般若弾幕伝、S.T.G.、口袋奇兵、Space Shooter Star Squadron VS、Mini Blaster等十大STG类手游排行榜

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    Elegant shooting game where you control paper airplane and shoot Japanese patterns.

    大小 56.83M 类型 动作
  • 2 排名

    还记得电玩城的街机打飞机游戏吗?即刻下载银翼战机,让你随时随地,想打就打!致敬经典Danmaku STG弹幕射击游戏玩法,添加Roguelike以及RPG元素,包括战机天赋系统,收集系统,养成系统,战斗伴侣系统,装备升级系统,以及多人实时在线玩法等,让你打飞机时不再单调! 一气通关,刺激不断! 超爽的飞行射击游戏体验,超多具有挑战性的章节等你开启,一气呵成每50个关卡方可继续前进,在这些冒险任务中,与强大的外星Boss以及危险的战斗机作战,并测试你的反应能力。 丰富多样的战机选择 & 无数装备零件升级 收集格式经典二战战斗机,武器,弹药,大炮,设备,护盾,战斗伙伴,来丰富你的个人高科技武器库。 考虑周全的战术策略是每个高玩的核心技能! 收集60余种超强技能属性,在战斗过程中使用,获得不同收益和加成。明智地选择才可能对你的任务结果产生重大影响,百战不殆。 超有代入感的画风和音效不能少! 3D高清场景,华丽可爱的美术风格,紧张刺激的爆炸效果,多变的环境,令人惊叹的视觉效果和超有代入感的音效营造出令人上瘾的氛围,让你在打飞机时更兴奋。经典历史战机带你进入激动人心的战斗! 打飞机,你不是一个人! 银翼战机,一个把Roguelike街机游戏玩法与突破性的多人比赛模式相结合的弹幕射击游戏。为你带来独特的紧张刺激体验,让你打飞机时不再孤单。 不要忘记关注我们官方主页,我们会实时更新游戏新闻,以及有奖活动等。 【官方微信公众号】:银翼战机

    大小 344.52M 类型 策略
  • 3 排名

    《心灵射手》是一款roguelike飞行射击休闲小游戏,既有上百种技能,也有几十架战机,更有各种僚机,爽快淋漓的肉鸽战斗让你感受街机射击游戏的魅力。 游戏特色: 「简单的游戏操作」 单手操纵飞机,松手释放技能,配合少量功能按钮。 「丰富的收集系统」 几十架弹幕、功能各异的战机和僚机,满足不同场景的战斗需求。 「自由的技能搭配」 上百种技能,roguelike搭配,每次战斗都是惊喜满满的全新体验。 「刺激的强敌PK」 各不相同的BOSS技能,与强敌斗智斗勇,拒绝无脑过关。 「乖巧的电子宠物」 极具个性的电子宠物,任选一个,携手杀敌。

    大小 195.74M 类型 休闲
  • 4 排名

    这是一款完全免费的射击游戏。 由6个垂直滚动的阶段组成! 通过触摸控制来发射强大的子弹! [概述] 巨大的老板在所有六个阶段等待着你! 通过躲避来自古怪敌人的各种攻击,如导向激光和子弹屏幕,击败所有的老板!这是一个2D射击游戏。 这是一款2D射击游戏,可以用触摸控制来享受。 针对智能手机和平板电脑进行了优化! 体验一下你用手指的滑动所带来的射击效果。 你还可以在选项屏幕中打开或关闭声音。 触摸屏幕来快速移动你的飞船。 你可以通过触摸屏幕使用不同的攻击。 [普通射击] 响应触摸而自动射击。 [声波射击]。 通过在半圆内快速滑动你的手指,一个强大的声波射击将被发射。 超厚激光 当右下角的激光表满了,你就可以发射了! 用两个手指触摸屏幕来触发它。 [关于继续] 当你的飞船达到0和你的护盾达到0时,游戏就结束了,但你可以通过观看视频广告继续在现场进行。 然而,通过观看视频广告,你可以当场继续游戏,因此,即使你是射击游戏的新手,你也可以轻松通关所有阶段。 不过,每次继续游戏,你的分数都会被重置为零。 [故事] 在20XX年,外星人突然到来,眨眼间就把人类淹没了。我们的星球完全被支配了。 躲在地下的人类利用他们剩余的资源和武器,一次又一次地与入侵者作战。 然而,他们无法与远比他们强大的对手竞争。 自从入侵者控制了这个星球,三年过去了。从地下6000米处,他们发现了一个从未被观察到的高能量体。 它与一架战斗机成功融合,使其能够继续发射强大的能量弹丸。 他控制着名为 "neo REGAINER "的飞艇,开始了最后的战斗。 [支持的设备] 运行于ios12或更高版本,iPhone和iPad。

    大小 45.11M 类型 冒险
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    1. 游戏类型:2D横向卷轴STG(飞行射击类)游戏 2. 游戏设计风格:黑白剪影、像素 3. 游戏简介:不断升级的任务难度,让收复行动变得越来越不可能,只有做出各种极限操作,才能顺利通关。为方便各位飞行员更好的执行任务,在每个有难度的关卡开始时,都设有增加弹药和防御的补给按钮,当然你也可以完全不加补给,试试能否顺利过关! 4. 玩法指导:玩家(飞行员)操控一架轰炸飞机,飞机可自动发射机枪子弹,消灭正前方的空中目标,同时可以点击投弹按钮轰炸敌方地面作战单位及建筑物。执行任务中操作飞机上下或者左右来闪避敌方的正前方子弹以及来自地面单位的炮弹和导弹(注意炮弹和导弹可造成较高伤害),从而顺利到达关底。摧毁敌方作战单位及建筑物可获得分数,摧毁数量越多,同时飞机生命值损失越小,获得的总分数越高。在执行任务过程中,可获得弹药、生命、护盾、闪电的补给。随着任务的难度越大,获得的补给种类就越多。当玩家战机生命值为0时,执行任务失败,需重新过关后才可进入下一任务关卡。 加油吧,飞行员们~

    大小 108.57M 类型 竞速
  • 6 排名

    加强你的性格,击败你的敌人! 结合了休闲和真实性的弹幕射击游戏。 □游戏系统 经历弹幕,收集物品并加强您的飞船! 用增强的角色击败敌人! 使用收集的硬币获取新角色! 射击! 避免! 收集! 享受在这个游戏中射击的乐趣。 □从初学者到高级 可以根据难度级别选择四个阶段。 从从未玩过弹幕射击的人到高级玩家,任何人都可以轻松享受。 □各种字符 可以使用硬币购买角色。 字符将添加在更新中。 □与排行榜兼容 与其他玩家竞争积分! 挑战自己很多次,并争取更高的排名。

    大小 134.00M 类型 休闲
  • 7 排名

    Control a ship and shoot enemies while avoiding enemy fire. Power-up items appear when some enemies are destroyed. There are 3 items: Power-up (red), missile (green), bomber (blue). Defeat the target enemy at end of the stage to clear the stage. When all stages are cleared or all lives and credits reach zero the game is over.

    大小 92.72M 类型 动作
  • 8 排名

    【新世界】即将!全新资料片来袭! 超高等级强化——更强力的士兵、更多元的战斗体系等待接受您的指挥! 超强赛事启动——线上线下海量奖励、最强荣耀见证口袋大陆王者即将到来! ◆合成升级◆ 不论是建筑还是士兵单位,只要合成就升级!有别于以往的升级方式减少大量等待时间,拥有战力瞬间上升的快感! ◆传奇英雄◆ 成为三军统帅,招集传奇英雄。海、陆、空多种特战英雄等你实现! ◆ 建造岛屿基地◆ 从一个荒岛开始,建造基地训练军队并通过各种建筑、装饰把基地装扮得更加兼顾完美。快来展现你与众不同的个性吧! ◆全球同时战斗◆ 培育多种形式的战斗模式,王者之争一决高下。荒原野怪、战锤机器人、王座激战及跨服争霸,招募与世界各地的玩家共同发展联盟,打造领地势力称霸世界! - 请注意 - 《口袋奇兵》是免费游戏并提供游戏内购买,请确保以上的网络链接希望您提供更流畅的游戏体验。

    大小 2254.67M 类型 角色扮演
  • 9 排名

    If you are a big fan of classic arcade shooting games like galaxia, galaxian and galactica, you will enjoy Space Shooter : Star Squadron . FEATURES - Featuring prize competitions provided by Skillz™ - Challenge people around the world with Skillz™, power fair, fun and meaningful competition in mobile games with leaderboards, trophies, real-world prizes, and an amazing loyalty program that rewards you for playing! - Perfect shmup, shoot ‘em up action: choose your fighter ship to beat your opponents! - Epic and huge bosses: show-off your skills. Enjoy the arcade bullet hell! - Stunning graphics, amazing lighting and special effects. HOW TO PLAY - Slide to control your spaceship dodge enemy's bullets. - Use coins to upgrade or evolve your spaceship to fight with giant enemies and alien invaders. - Use appropriate spaceships and strategies for each level and boss. - Remember to use the BOOSTERS. Commander! Our galaxy is under alien shooter attack! We need your help! The space aliens invaders destroyed all squads of galactica! The Star Squadron team is waiting for your command! Please command the ship to protect the galaxy planets and asteroids The Galaxy's future is now in your hands. Get your ship ready for space attack in this arcade galaxy shooter game.

    大小 222.90M 类型 体育
  • 10 排名

    用最少的图形绘制的射击游戏。 提高等级以增强动力,加强您的船并击败接近的敌人。 ■ 游戏系统 您需要做的就是移动。一款可以单手玩的射击游戏。 自动攻击范围内的敌人。无需详细瞄准! 击败敌人,收集宝石并升级。选择升级,变得越来越强大。 ■ 许多升级 每升一级,您可以获得各种类型的升级。 如果你结合起来,它会更加强大。让我们用强化的自己的机器打败敌人。 ■ 各种调色板和样式 用您收集的宝石释放新的调色板和样式。 调色板可以改变屏幕的配色方案。以新颜色为目标争取高分。 风格影响新兴升级。找到你最喜欢的风格。

    大小 86.12M 类型 动作
  • 11 排名

    尚云互联 AiPN start to go 是实现 AiPN 平台功能的一款 APP。 AiPN 的功能包括,单纯文字推送、图片推送,AI 人形识别推送,视频推送,以及云存储。

    大小 18.88M 类型 参考资料
  • 12 排名

    iOffice Sóc Trăng là ứng dụng trao đổi thông tin, điều hành và quản lý toàn bộ các hoạt động hành chính của một đơn vị, trong đó việc xử lý và theo dõi quy trình xử lý văn bản đóng vai trò quan trọng. Các chức năng của ứng dụng được xây dựng nhằm mục đích hỗ trợ công tác quản lý và điều hành tác nghiệp của một cơ quan, đơn vị, tổ chức, doanh nghiệp. Các chức năng chính của ứng dụng bao gồm: - Quản lý văn bản - Quản lý công việc - Quản lý lịch đơn vị

    大小 79.92M 类型 工具
  • 13 排名

    The Eswatini Government, Ministry of Health Standard Treatment Guidelines and Essential Medicines List (STG/EML) were revised in 2021 to optimize treatment of common diseases and improve rational medicines use through the STG phone application. To enhance the widespread distribution, availability and use of the guidelines, an electronic version in the form of a mobile application requires to be developed, accessible to all healthcare practitioners, students, and other stakeholders via Apple App Store, which host most of all electronic applications. Adherence and effective use of STGs results in uniformity of care through proper diagnosis and prescribing, leading to better clinical decision making and quality of patient care. This results in rational use of medicines and the provision of cost-effective treatment options in the public and private sector. Given the widespread availability of electronic gadgets, an app is a convenient way of ensuring access to the guidelines by health care professionals. The electronic version of the STG will ease the accessibility to all stakeholders in both public and private sector. This mobile application allows users to navigate and understand Standard Treatment Guidelines with different colour codes and receive any updates to the guidelines. Other features such as Stockout tool allows different types of health facilities to report their stockout products and required quantities. Pharmacovigilance tool allows users to report adverse effects of any drug immediately to the authorities. Education section allows users to refer articles, download training manuals, SOPs and refer news about any upcoming events. Further CPD section provides links to the WCEA and African CPD portals. All of these features will be available with offline capabilities to conduct their daily operations without any interruption. To make data driven decisions, system comprises Product Wise, Health facility wise Stockout, Drug wise Pharmacovigilance and Training Completion Reports and Dashboards. System will have an inbuilt integration layer with unified APIs to easily integrate with any other system without any code level modification. Note: For Stockout Reporting access please contact the system administrator.

    大小 24.66M 类型 健康健美
  • 14 排名

    Destroy enemies with your enhanced ship and precise shooting. Shoot enemies while moving with the recoil of your gun, slingshot action. ■ Game System 
Shoot and destroy enemies while dodging progressively more intense attacks to achieve a higher score. 
Each time you level up, you can acquire new modules to enhance your ship. Build your own personalized build with the modules. ■ Movement
 Your ship moves in the opposite direction from the recoil of your shot.
Think about how to avoid bullets as well as defeat enemies. ■ Various Modules
Each time you level up, you can acquire new modules to enhance your ship. By combining various modules, your ship will become more and more powerful.
 ■ Weapons, armor, and palettes Unlock new weapons, armor, and palettes with the gems you collect. Find your favorite combination from a variety of equipment such as rifles and rocket launchers.

    大小 146.29M 类型 休闲
  • 15 排名

    STG Telematics est une application permettant de localiser vos actifs mobiles STG Telematics est une application réservée aux utilisateurs-clients de STG. STG Telematics est la version adaptée pour Smartphone, application de géolocalisation permettant de localiser aisément vos actifs mobiles. Via votre téléphone ou votre tablette, contrôlez, pilotez et sécurisez vos véhicules, engins, et votre personnel de terrain en temps réel. Une manière facile d’optimiser la gestion de votre entreprise, d'accroître la productivité et d’améliorer la qualité de vos services clients, et ce, à tout moment depuis votre téléphone ! FONCTIONNALITÉS CLÉS: - Géolocalisation et sécurité : Track & Trace en temps réel - Gestion de flotte et d’unités : Une connexion instantanée avec l'ensemble de votre parc de véhicules - Gestion du personnel de terrain : Une productivité accrue par une meilleure gestion du personnel mobile. - Application relookée, plus fluide et plus ergonomique. - Gestion des alertes : Suivi en direct des alertes générées par les véhicules - Live tracking en temps réel. - Ajout des graphes (carburant, température, vitesse...). - Notifications sous forme de popup. - Ajout des rapports d'activité, d’alarme et de consommation. UTILISATION SIMPLIFIÉE GR CE À DIFFÉRENTS MODULES: - Module de base : Surveillez votre flotte de manière générale : Sachez à tout moment le nombre total de véhicules/nombre de véhicules actifs, les alarmes actives et le nombre total de personnes/nombre de personnes actives - Module flotte de véhicules : Vérifiez le statut d’un véhicule par liste, par groupe, et visualisez les détails du véhicule - Module des alertes : Activer des alertes avec ordre chronologique et priorité - Module des personnes : Gérer votre personnel et visualisez la liste de vos ressources, des véhicules qu’elles utilisent, et visualisez leur dernière position connue en temps réel. - Module cartographique : Visualisez vos véhicules et votre personnel sur une carte (avec les photos satellites en option). - Module Recherche et aide : Pour vous faciliter encore plus la vie, utilisez la fonction de recherche rapide ou les filtres avancés ! AVANTAGES DE STG Telematics: - Facilité d'utilisation - Solution conviviale - Disponible en plusieurs langues (français, anglais)

    大小 82.68M 类型 工具
  • 16 排名

    With our user-friendly App, you can stay connected with the STG Masjid and receive updates on our latest events and activities. Our App features a prayer time schedule, push notifications for important announcements, and a calendar of upcoming events. We invite you to download our free App and join our community of believers. Whether you're new to the area or looking for a welcoming community to call home, we welcome you to the STG Masjid!

    大小 37.15M 类型 商务
  • 17 排名

    En app för våra kunder och medarbetare

    大小 3.87M 类型 商务
  • 18 排名

    Aplicación para acceder a contenido de STG Medios del Sello Discográfico de DLS Records

    大小 44.98M 类型 音乐
  • 19 排名

    1) Share your STG link anywhere, including your Instagram story 2) Friends create AI voice messages featuring next-level celebrity filters 3) Get responses on STG Discover a groundbreaking way to connect with your friends through the power of STG, the ultimate app for AI voice messaging on Instagram stories. Immerse yourself in an extraordinary experience where you can share your STG link on your story and receive customized voice messages that are truly one-of-a-kind. With STG, your friends can create mind-blowing voice messages featuring next-level celebrity filters, taking your interactions to a whole new level. One of the key features of STG is its advanced AI technology that ensures content moderation and protects you from harmful language or bullying. Experience a safe and engaging environment where you can freely explore AI-filtered celebrity voices, making every message a unique and entertaining surprise. Privacy Policy: https://nextkey.app/privacy-policy Terms of Service: https://nextkey.app/terms-of-service

    大小 25.91M 类型 生活
  • 20 排名

    Track your shipment with STG Tracker! St. George Logistics is the premier provider of Ocean and Air CFS (Cargo Freight Systems), Distribution & Transportation services offering seamless one-stop solutions. Your shipments are at your fingertips in seconds. Features include: • Import CFS tracking • IPI Tracking • Export CFS Tracking • Last mile Deliveries • Epayment portal

    大小 78.74M 类型 商务
  • 21 排名

    New mobile app to replace Extra Express Delivery Manager. We simplified the design and automated a lot of processes so user's won't have to manually enter in information. Features include: - Automatic updating of pick up and delivery ETA. - Detailed order list. - Added search and filtering of order list. - Simplified process for picking up and delivering orders. - Submitting Compliance's Documentation

    大小 54.16M 类型 商务
  • 22 排名

    Discover STG Fleet Mobile powered by Davinci AI, the revolutionary fleet management platform developed by STG Telematics, a leader in fleet management across Africa, Europe, and the United States. Designed for professionals and businesses, the STG Fleet Mobile app harnesses artificial intelligence and the latest technological advancements to provide you with a safer, more efficient, and cost-effective fleet management experience. Key Features: Multiple Mapping: Access detailed maps from reliable sources such as Here, Google, and OSM to track and optimize your fleet's routes in real-time. Live Tracking: Monitor your vehicles' positions in real-time and receive instant notifications in case of issues or incidents. Customizable Dashboard: Get a real-time overview of your fleet with a rich, customizable dashboard, displaying all the key information you need. Driver Management: Monitor driver behavior, assess their performance, and ensure their safety with advanced features such as AI, black boxes, and ADAS cameras. Route Optimization: Plan and optimize your fleet's routes, considering traffic conditions, weather, and other factors to save time and fuel. Fuel and Tire Management: Monitor fuel consumption and tire condition to reduce costs and improve your fleet's energy efficiency. Enhanced Communication: Connect with your drivers through a variety of integrated apps for better communication and quick issue resolution. Support and Security: Receive 24/7 assistance from our expert team and benefit from enhanced security measures to protect your fleet's data.

    大小 249.39M 类型 导航
  • 23 排名

    Your classic shmup, now with roguelike elements.

    大小 1.24M 类型 动作
  • 24 排名

    STG parent app is one stop app for all your communication needs with the school. You can stay informed about all your child's activities through instant notifications. The key benefits of using the app include • Get instant updates • Check fee Invoices and pay fees in a click • Communicate with the teachers • Easily find all the information in one place • Get reminders for fee payments, events and holidays • Notified before and after pick-up/drop and track bus live Features details Instant updates: Parents can receive all the updates related to their child’s starting from attendance, homework, lesson plans, timetables etc from the school instantly with the notification. Fee Invoices: You can view the total fee and all the fee bills that are paid, overdue and upcoming. The app reminds you closer to the due date so that you never miss the payments on time and avoid late fee penalties. You can pay fees directly through the app using any payment mode and instantly get the fee receipts. You will also get discount coupons for every payment made through the app. Pay fees on time and get rewarded! Parent-Teacher communication:- You can send any requests or queries to the teacher through the app and can attach photos or documents if needed. You’ll be notified as soon as the teacher replies Digital Notice Board: You can quickly find all the important information from the school in the notice board anytime anywhere on your mobile Calendar: You will never miss out on any events at your child’s school. The app sends reminders for every event and holiday so that you can plan in advance to attend or plan your vacation Happy Moments: You can get photos and videos of your child at the school during various events and celebrations. Now, you no longer miss treasuring their happy moments. Bus Tracking: You don’t have to wait endlessly at the bus stop or keep calling the driver. App alerts you when the school bus starts from your previous stop and you can track the bus on the map anytime. So, don’t miss these priceless benefits. Download the app and log in now! Note: If it says invalid mobile number or country code, it means you are not given access to the mobile number that you are trying to login with. Please talk to your school admin to get the login credentials.

    大小 80.64M 类型 教育
  • 25 排名

    Find Restaurants near St George Utah. Receive Coupons from participating Restaurants. Rate your restaurant experience. See map for location.

    大小 87.08M 类型 美食佳饮
  • 26 排名

    Wastrack Citizen by STG Telematics Everyone has a responsibility when it comes to waste management. The WASTRACK Citizen App aims to increase citizen engagement and promptly address their concerns. Key features of the application include: Waste Collection Vehicle Tracking: Citizens can track scheduled waste collection vehicles (RCVs) and view the most recent and historical collection routes. Reporting Missed Waste: Citizens can also report uncollected waste via this app, ensuring timely resolution of issues. Complaint Dashboard: Users can access previously logged complaints from the dashboard and create new complaints as needed. Photo Uploads: When registering a new complaint, citizens can upload a photo of the bins to provide evidence for their claim. For more information or assistance, please visit our website at www.stgtelematics.com or contact our support team at support@stgtelematics.com.

    大小 18.18M 类型 效率
  • 27 排名

    So digital hast du einen Sportverein noch nie erlebt! Alles was du für unseren Verein brauchst und darüber wissen musst direkt auf deinem Smartphone! Ob deine Kursanmeldung oder dein Helfereinsatz bei einem unserer nächsten Events, die App ist das neue digitale Zuhause für die Sprendlinger Turngemeinde 1848! Informationen zum Datenschutz und Datenschutzerklärung: https://www.stg1848.de/915/datenschutzerklaerung.htm AGBs (Satzung): https://www.stg1848.de/62/satzung.htm

    大小 87.72M 类型 体育
  • 28 排名

    We provide the ultimate GPS tracking and fleet management platform. Walking on the same path, we will be introducing our product, EV Connect Mini. This product will be a tracking and management platform for electric vehicles (EVs). Where you can get customized tracking views and graphical representation of your EV. Offering an in-depth overview of the project, it will provide accurate real-time tracking, measure energy consumption, monitor battery health, a dashboard with a wide range of analytical widgets, multiple reports for detailed information, immediate activities through notifications and alerts. What we provide: Monitor real-time data such as state of charge (SOC), battery range, and battery cycles. Get detailed reports on EV mileage, charging hours, and battery life. Get a prediction of how long your EV can be on the road before needing to be recharged. Eliminate excessive maintenance or replacement costs by practicing ideal charging for electric vehicles. Receive notifications in case of overcharging or misuse of fast charging mode. Set violations to further intensify the performance of your EV. Receive charge reminders so that the task of remembering the charging time is not tedious. Customize your maintenance programs based on the usage and availability of electric vehicles, to avoid unexpected breakdowns! Features Real-time tracking: - track everything you need, the vehicle location in real-time, vehicle historical data, temperature, battery, stops, etc. - Dashboard and Reports: Our system generates intuitive reports and dashboard to help you manage your fleet and assets. - Alerts and Notifications: Our solutions help you monitor vehicle idling and adopt ideal driving habits. We provide real-time alerts for violations and also provide battery alerts. Maintenance reminder : It wouldn't be hard for you to maintain the electric vehicle. Because EV Connect Mini will alert you whenever maintenance is due.

    大小 20.74M 类型 导航
  • 29 排名

    Tatmeen is a Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) Track and Trace solution in UAE to enable the traceability of pharmaceuticals using serialization with GS1 standards. Tatmeen Portal, Tatmeen Mobile App, or B2B (system to system) communication via APIs are the three channels through which Supply Chain entities that are part of Tatmeen scope, can communicate events information for the medicines. To carry out operations, supply chain partners can download the Tatmeen Mobile App. Visit Tatmeen.ae for more details about Tatmeen.

    大小 15.52M 类型 医疗
  • 30 排名

    Monocular Shot is a 2D action shooting game. Defeat the enemy and aim for the next stage while avoiding the enemy's attack. There are many gimmicks and various enemies waiting on the stage. ■ Operation method L: Move left R: Move right A: Shot J: Jump SPECIAL MOVE: Special Move You can use the special move by collecting 5 coins before the combo gauge runs out. This game has no tedious waiting times or billing factors. You can play for free until the ending. Save supports auto save. It may be a little difficult, but I hope you enjoy it.

    大小 43.12M 类型 休闲
  • 31 排名

    This gunship battle game has multiple levels and you will be promoted to the next level once you will complete your present level. Difficulty level will automatically get increased and you will get new weapons also. While this space fighting app will take few minutes to get downloaded on your device, check its other features too. You will get different streams of deadly asteroids with this spaceship shooter game to smash: save yourself from hazards like Fire Ball Comet, Ice Planet, Red & Blue Planets, You have to fight and kill plenty of dangerous enemies while playing with this space fighting app The gunship battle game app will unfold new levels with new weapons, new enemies, and new set of challenges: it is worth explore, Wonderful 3D graphics: pictures of galaxies and planets are all real, taken from the public domain of NASA, this space fighting app will offer the support of stimulating sound at the back, You can choose between tilt and touch option to play this spaceship shooter game: suitable for playing in tablet on large screen. You can customize the gunship battle game: select new series of weapons (touch weapon indicator), select the comfortable mode of level by touch level indicator, etc. You can put a pause the game and resume the play whenever you feel free!!You will get four lives initially and you can earn more life (max 9) in course of the fire thrower game play. Upgrade option is available: explore the fire fighting game in new vista. This space shooting game is available completely free of cost. Kids and youngsters will love this game because of its awesome dynamics. Start shooting and be the winner!!

    大小 86.61M 类型 休闲
  • 32 排名

    Connect EV by STG Telematics: The primary focus of electric vehicles is battery performance, and ensuring optimal operation is crucial for extending their lifespan. Our Connect EV app is designed to help you monitor your electric vehicle's battery usage in real-time, providing valuable insights to maintain peak efficiency. The app offers a comprehensive overview, including energy usage tracking, battery health monitoring, a customisable dashboard with analytical widgets, detailed reports, and timely notifications and alerts for immediate action. Here are the key features of the Connect EV app: (1) Dashboard: A visually appealing and customisable summary of your vehicle's performance data, keeping you up to date on the status of your electric vehicle. (2) Live Tracking: With this feature, you can monitor your vehicle's battery usage and charging mode in real-time, ensuring you stay informed about its performance. (3) Reports: The app offers various reports that enable you to analyse battery usage with data for a selected time period and vehicle model. These insights can help businesses evaluate battery performance and make informed decisions accordingly.

    大小 405.74M 类型 导航
  • 33 排名

    Teams Up's is an efficient field personnel tracking application that enables you to monitor all your projects, both professional and personal, and manage your tasks anytime, anywhere. This app functions as a task manager, simplifying the monitoring of field personnel, project management, task status tracking, and the creation of task summaries with images, audio recordings, and notes. This unique application requires device administrator permission. Key features of this task management app include: - A dashboard displaying all information on a single screen - Expense details management - Leave management - Reports and charts - Employee attendance - Image verification - Audio recording of meetings - Real-time employee tracking during On Duty hours - Geozones for location-based monitoring The dashboard allows you to view the day's task summary and easily set work priorities while visualizing all tasks on a geographic map. You can also set the On Duty/Off Duty status according to your needs and see the status of approved, pending, or rejected leaves. The task filter function enables you to sort tasks by assigned user, due date, status, and more. The application also offers real-time tracking of employees during their On Duty hours, ensuring that you have complete visibility over your team's whereabouts. Additionally, you can set up geozones for location-based monitoring, enabling you to manage your field personnel more effectively.

    大小 53.74M 类型 效率
  • 34 排名

    待ちたくない!並びたくない!1件ずつ空いているか確認するのが面倒! なうるは「今すぐ入れるお店だけを検索&予約できるので、待ち時間0分」 2次会でのお店探しも、なうるで!! 今すぐ食べたいものを、今すぐ食べよう! ランチ・カフェ・スイーツ、ディナーすべてのシーンでご利用頂けます。 ■こんなときに便利■ ・今いる場所の近くで、今すぐ入れるレストランを探している ・初デート、お店探しでグダらせたくない ・旅先で待ち時間なしで名物料理が食べられるお店を探したい ・金曜日でも今すぐ入れる居酒屋を見つけたい ・急な食事会で、今すぐ入れる落ち着いたお店を探している ・大人数の宴会で使える居酒屋を探している ・自分が気になるお店を忘れないようリストにして、メモ・記録しておきたい ・スマホからカンタンにお店を予約したい ■なうるアプリが選ばれている3つのポイント■ 1.その場で予約、待ち時間0分で入店! -お店の空席情報から、すぐに入れるお店や人気店を簡単予約。 2.現在地からマップでお店を探すのにぴったり! -今いる場所から、今すぐ入れるお店が見つかる。 3.気になるお店をリストにして保存可能! -お店を登録するだけで、自分だけのお店リストを作ることができます。 【推奨動作環境】 なうるアプリは、以下の動作環境を推奨しております。推奨動作環境以外のバージョンでは、正常に動作しない或いはインストール自体が出来ない場合もございますので、推奨動作環境へのアップデートをお願いいたします。 推奨OS:iOS14.0以上 ※App Store上での動作、インストールなどの不具合については、Apple Inc.までお問い合わせください。 ※「iPhone」「App Store」は、米国およびその他の国々で登録されたApple Inc.の商標または登録商標です。 利用規約 https://nowru.jp/termsofservice プライバシーポリシー https://nowru.jp/Privacypolicy

    大小 68.51M 类型 美食佳饮
  • 35 排名

    Track your vehicle activity 24/7 with this advanced GPS tracking application. Moto Safeguard gives you total control of your vehicle's safety and security. It covers everything from a basic GPS based tracking to advanced security features like video surveillance & secure park.So,that you get a worriless sleep at night. What you’ll love about Moto Safeguard : Smooth live tracking : It gives you seamless experience of tracking every activity of your vehicle 24/7. Dashboard : It will summarise all the data in order to provide you with rich analytics of your vehicle. Secure Park & Immobilize : Are you worried about your car getting stolen ? Don't worry.Moto Safeguard won’t let it happen.You will get every layer of protection with some of the cutting edge safety & security features. Maintenance Reminder : Do you often forget servicing your vehicle ? Now you won’t.Because Moto Safeguard will notify you whenever maintenance is due.

    大小 101.96M 类型 导航
  • 36 排名

    Official results app of the Para Pan American Games 2023 held in Santiago de Chile. Teams, Venues, Athletes, Results, Medals, Statistics and more. All in one place. ¿Are you ready?

    大小 35.54M 类型 体育
  • 37 排名

    プレイヤーを左右に操作して、上から降ってくる炎を避けるゲームです。炎にぶつかるとライフが一つ減ってしまいます。 スコアをどこまで伸ばせるか、チャレンジしてみてください。

    大小 5.36M 类型 休闲
  • 38 排名

    Conversas, Macros, Atalhos, Automações e muito mais para otimizar o atendimento de seu negócio.

    大小 19.83M 类型 商务
  • 39 排名

    Panteraは、かわいい動物達を操作する、 弾幕シューティングゲーム風アクションゲームです。 短時間で気軽に遊べるTimeAttackモード! やり込み要素満載のサバイバルモード! 充実したヘルプ画面! 豪華声優陣! 感動のサウンド!

    大小 110.31M 类型 动作
  • 40 排名

    Facility Management System allows enterprise user to manage work order

    大小 48.92M 类型 效率
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