

苹果手机"exo类手游排行榜"由点点数据提供。本次排行榜包含了:exocad webview、bubble for INB100、SMTOWN | OFFICIAL、K-Pop 学院、IDOLCHAMP、Kpop Music Game、EXO Pro、KPOP TILES 2、Exoplanet、THEKKING等十大exo类手游排行榜

  • 1 排名

    在我们的免费 3D 查看器中快速轻松地加载几乎任何类型的 3D 模型。 exocad webview 可在任何移动设备上直观体验各种预览功能,无缝加载网格数据。支持所有常见的开放文件格式—STL、OBJ、PLY 等等。 exocad webview 的优势一目了然: - 无需注册即可免费使用 - 简单直观的设计 - 兼容所有开放的 3D 数据类型:.stl、.obj、.ply、.wrl、.off、.eoff、.xyz、.xyzn、.xyznb、.xyzc、.asc - 轻松调整网格透明度 - 保持长按功能设置新的视图旋转中心 - 打开包含兼容 3D 模型的 ZIP 文件 - 从 iCloud、Dropbox、Google Drive 等加载文件 - 支持完整的彩色纹理映射和顶点颜色 - 垂直投影和透视投影 - 在平面着色和光滑模式之间切换 - 同时加载多个文件 exocad DentalCAD 用户的功能: - 打开和查看从 DentalCAD 导出的 HTML 文件 - 打开压缩的 DentalCAD 项目文件夹 - 识别在 DentalCAD 中所做的注释 - 通过dentalshare链接打开和查看exocad场景文件 - 加载面部扫描扫描 - 从 DentalCAD 加载受密码保护的 3D 数据 我们的应用程序也可通过任何浏览器作为网络应用程序使用:https://webview.dental/ 您的反馈对我们至关重要,请将您的反馈发送至 webview@exocad.com!

    大小 5.39M 类型 工具
  • 2 排名

    如惊喜礼物般呈现,查看最爱发送的留言,迎接心动日常! 最爱艺人和我的专属私密留言, 不想错过最爱艺人发送的留言,就立即开始 bubble 吧! [服务介绍] 01. 最爱艺人的日常故事 让艺人喊出你的名字!快来接收艺人有些特别的日常留言吧 02 最爱艺人的独家内容 快来观看艺人亲自发送的独家内容 03. 与本命一起来bubble LIVE 只短信交流不够的我们!用bubble LIVE来和本命分享日常吧 04. 大家最爱的艺人正等你回复噢 为艺人送上充满热情和爱意的留言吧 05. 最爱艺人和我的专属纪念日 今天就是我们的第一天!快来查看艺人和我的专属特别纪念日 06. 用我的语言聊天中 请尝试用我的语言读取艺人信息,并用我的语言回复 [访问权限(可选)] * 即使未同意访问权限,也可使用App。 01. 图片 用于发送和保存图片、视频,设置头像和聊天室背景 02. 相机 用于拍摄和发送图片、视频,设置头像和聊天室背景 03. 麦克风 用于录制和发送音频信息、视频 [订阅产品] 01. bubble for INB100 优惠 - 可以按所购买的使用券人数,选择接收 bubble 留言的艺人。 - 通过 bubble,可以收到艺人亲自给我发送的留言。 02. 订阅价格和期间 - 可以通过 iTunes 订阅产品,且将通过 iTunes 账户收取费用。 - 使用券价格会根据人数发生变化,具体价格可在bubble 订阅页面查询。 - 订阅期间为 1 个月,到期後將每月自动更新。 [bubble官方频道] - Twitter : https://twitter.com/dearu_bubble - Instagram : https://instagram.com/dearu_bubble [条款] - 使用条款: https://ba-api.dear-u.co/terms/?msgType=service&locale=EN&appGroup=INB100 - 隐私政策: https://ba-api.dear-u.co/terms/?msgType=privacyPolicy&locale=EN&appGroup=INB100 [信息] - 咨询/建议: help_INB100@dear-u.co

    大小 108.24M 类型 社交
  • 3 排名

    粉丝所需的所有功能,尽在一个SMTOWN APP SM ENTERTAINMENT 官方应用程序 现在让我们见见全新的SMTOWN官方APP! ● SCHEDULE 从SM艺人的纪念日到音乐节目,我选中的行程通知! ● LIGHT STICK 为我的应援棒命名,并确认电池剩余电量 ● PASSPORT 享受音乐会和临时商店带来的更多乐趣! 收集数字图章 ● AR VIEWER 一种特别的方式来享受SMTOWN AR内容 ● SHOP HOT & NEW官方MD领先所有人 SMTOWN A to Z, 现在让我们见见全新的SMTOWN官方APP! 使用条款:https://www.smtown.com/policy/terms 个人信息处理政策:https://www.smtown.com/policy/privacy

    大小 31.34M 类型 娱乐
  • 4 排名

    准备好踏上在K-Pop Academy的世界中闪耀的征程,您的建立终极K-pop感官的梦想即将成真!沉浸在可爱偶像的迷人世界中,您将主导他们的日常生活,引导他们走向巅峰。 打造梦幻K-Pop超级团体: 通过定制您偶像的方方面面,从衣着和发型到最时尚的配饰,打造属于您自己的K-pop音乐团体。创造属于您自己的偶像,或者重新创造您最喜欢的偶像,亲眼见证他们在您手掌中变成下一个大热K-pop现象! 为您的偶像打造家园: 为您的偶像设计和装饰一个温馨的家,使其成为创造力蓬勃发展的理想避风港。将您的袖珍空间变成一个温馨可爱的圣地,爱和友谊在这里蓬勃发展。 烹饪,排练和征服: 通过烹饪他们喜爱的食物,帮助他们排练表演,培养他们的才华,照顾您偶像的日常生活。加强您与偶像之间的联系,成为他们通往伟大道路上的引导之星。 征服舞台: 策划令人叹为观止的音乐会,见证您的偶像在舞台上盛大表演!舞台已经为他们的光芒而设定,来自粉丝的掌声将充满他们的心。成为您偶像走向巅峰的引导者,成为终极K-pop现象! 小游戏: K-Pop Academy不仅仅是管理K-pop生活方式 - 还可以参与有趣的小游戏,解锁令人兴奋的奖励!无论是测试您的节奏还是挑战您的策略技能,这些游戏都为您的偶像冒险增添了额外的乐趣层次。 LGBTQ+友好: 在K-Pop Academy,多样性和包容性是我们世界的核心。拥抱您偶像的独特之处,创建一个庆祝各种形式爱的K-pop团体。这款游戏不仅仅是一款模拟游戏;它是一个对所有人友好的热情空间。 踏入K-Pop Academy的聚光灯下,见证您可爱偶像的崛起!

    大小 268.23M 类型 娱乐
  • 5 排名

    Are you ready to make your Idol a champion? ■ Pre-voting for “Show Champion” and Events on MBCPLUS - Please participate in the pre-voting for MBC M ‘Show Champion’ every week - Please fill the waiting room of your favorite artist's ‘Show Champion’ with what the artist likes by voting to decorate the waiting room. - Participate in various broadcast events related to your artist, such as show champion tickets, signed polaroids, and signed CDs, and unique goods! ■ Various artist benefits only available at IDOLCHAMP - If you make your artist 1st on the IDOLCHAMP chart every month, TV CF and special benefits will be provided for a month. - Please support your artist with various benefits that can only be seen on IDOLCHAMP, such as subway ads, outdoor ads, PC bang music videos ads, magazine ads, and YouTube ads. ■ How to support artists in differently - Please participate in voting on various topics with special benefits that come up every day. - At IDOLCHAMP, you can cheer for artists with outdoor ads you want by raising money for fandom advertisements. ■ Broadcast video content and quiz - You can watch ‘Show Champion’, ‘Weekly Idol’ Replay & Pre-release, Preview, Behind-the-scenes, and various unreleased videos for free first! - Through the idol quiz content, get a chance to get chamsim to cheer for the artist ■ SNS - allthekpop youtube : https://www.youtube.com/c/ALLTHEKPOP - twitter : https://twitter.com/idolchamp1 ■ Introduction to access to smartphone apps - We are requesting access to provide the following services when using the app. [Selective access] - Pictures/Video/File: Access to gallery related to profile pictures, use stored files on the device related to the charging station, and external storage of the device. ■ Customer service - HOME > Sidebar > Customer service > FAQ/1:1 inquiry> 1:1 inquiry - E-mail : mbcplus@mbcplus.com Terms of use: https://ui.idolchamp.com/en/terms/index.html Privacy policy: https://ui.idolchamp.com/en/terms/index.html#/privacy-policy

    大小 83.33M 类型 娱乐
  • 6 排名

    Millions of KPOP fans over the world are playing this game. How about you? Pick up your device, join your favorite FANDOM, and satisfy the love for your KPOP idols with the unique collection of games in this app! >>> HOW IT WORKS: Pick your desired fandom. Prove that you deserve it by a quiz! If you pass, it's time for you to explore the fandom's games. There are 3 zones: Action, Art and Puzzle. --------------------------------------- List of Kpop games (more games will be added later) >>> ACTION ZONE: *** Round and round: Tap the screen when the name match the avatar. *** Duet: Tap to change the direction of characters. Avoid obstacles. *** Keep falling: Hold on left/right of screen to rotate clouds and get the ball roll down as low as possible. *** Up and down: Tap on screen to change the direction of the charater to going up or going down. Collect coins and avoid monsters. *** Sense of Hearts: Tap the position of hearts as the request sample. *** Zic Zag: Tap on screen to change the direction of the character. Stay on the path! *** Planets: Tap to jump to next planets. They keep rotating! *** Parallel: 2 character run in 2 lanes. Help them avoid blocks. *** Jumpy: Tap on left/right of screen to jump. Avoid obstacles. Get as high as possible. >>> ART ZONE: *** Big challenge 6: 6 rounds, 6 songs, 6 tough challenges. *** The producer: Name correct song in tracks. *** Music cocktail: Melodies are mixed up. Find 3 ones are playing at the same time. *** Classic: Classic guess the name. >>> PUZZLE: *** MV Scene: A screenshot of a MV is covered by puzzle pieces. Find out what the MV is. --------------------------------------- GAME CONTENTS: Game contents include graphics, sound, music and levels of puzzle. They will be checked for update daily. I will push new game contents when the idol group come back or release new concept… --------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER This is an unofficial fan-made application. It is not affiliated with or endorsed by company, group, agency, label or idol.

    大小 65.58M 类型 音乐
  • 7 排名

    Blackhawk 2 is a professional aircraft control software for the mid/high and it supports real-time image transmission, flight telemetry and aerial photography so you can enjoy flying! Main functions: 1. GPS positioning function, keep track of the aircraft position. 2. Map navigation function, view map and flight route planning 3. Real-time HD image transmission, real-time flight telemetry display. 4. Online preview interface upgrade. 5. New editor features. 6. Flight playback, record the course of your flight.

    大小 287.90M 类型 娱乐
  • 8 排名

    New style piano game with Kpop hit songs title An new addictive Piano Game with addictive songs by K-pop artists specially made for K-Pop Fans How to play: Tap on the piano key which are in row with the lowest white tiles and get many score and diamond as possible. You can use diamonds to unlock another songs. Some hot songs in song list: - Dynamite - BTS - Lovesick Girls - BLACKPINK - I Can*t Stop Me - TWICE - AYA - MAMAMOO - Ice Cream -BLACKPINK - How You Like That - BLACKPINK - More & More - TWICE - Feel Special - Twice - Psycho - Red Velvet - Wannabe - ITZY - ON - BTS - EIGHT - IU ft BTS Sugar - Dumhdurum - Apink - Winter Bear - BTS V - Fever - GFRIEND - Umpah Umpah - RED VELVET - Fancy - TWICE - Kill This Love - BLACKPINK - Boy With Luv - BTS - SOLO - JENNIE - Song Request - Lee Sora ft Sugar - Millions - WINNER - Love Shot - EXO - YES or YES - TWICE - Sunrise - GFRIEND - Way Back Home (Shaun) - Dance The Night Away (Twice) - DDu du DDu Du (BlackPink) - Travel (BOL4) - Bingle Bangle (AOA) - Fake Love (BTS) - Time For The Moon Night (GFRIEND) - Starry Night (Mamamoo) - I.P.U (Wanna One) - BBoom BBoom (Momoland) - Love Scenario (iKON) - Bad Boy (Red Velvet) - Universe (EXO) - Tell Me (Infinite) - Don't Leave (Block B) - Mic Drop (BTS) - Likey (TWICE) - Black Suit (Super Junior) - Beautiful (Wanna One) - Peek-A-Boo (Red Velvet) - Go Go Go (BTS) - Missing You (BTOB) - Downpour (I.O.I) - Clap (Seventeen) - Not Today (BTS) - Blood Sweet & Tears (BTS) - Save Me (BTS) - Butterfly (BTS) - Call Me Baby (EXO) - Monster (EXO) - Lion Heart (SNSD) - Party (SNSD) - TT (Twice) - Cheer Up (Twice) - Playing With Fire (BlackPink) - Why So Lonely (Wonder Girl) - Never Ever (GOT7) - If You (Big Bang) - Palette (IU Ft G.Dragon) - Rumor (K.W.A.D) - Really Really (WINNER) - Rough (G-Friend) - Rookie (Red Velvet) - Fine (Taeyeon) - 11:11 (Taeyeon) - Ending Scene (IU) - Stay With Me (CHANYEOL, PUNCH) - If You Do (GOT7) - Signal (TWICE) - Don't Wanna Cry (Seventeen) - Pretty U (Seventeen) - L.I.E (EXID) - I'll Be Yours (Girl's Day) - The Eye (INFINIT) - Hey Mama (EXO) - For You (EXO - Moon Lover OST) - Sing For You (EXO) - Spring Day (BTS) - Fire (BTS) - All In (Monsta X) - Beautiful (Monsta X) - Plz Don't Be Said (Highlight) - Calling You (Highlight) - Last Dance (Big Bang) - Only One (APINK) - Remember (APINK) - Glass Bead (GFRIEND) - NAVILLERA (GFRIEND) - Couldn't Cry Because I'm A Man (Ruler Master Of The Mask OST) - Untitled, 2014 (G-Gragon) - AS IF IT'S YOUR LAST (BLACKPINK) - Kokobop (EXO) - Red Flavor (Red Velvet) - Yes I Am (MAMAMOO) - Yesterday (Block B) ...

    大小 51.96M 类型 音乐
  • 9 排名

    系外行星是天文学家在太阳系以外发现的围绕其他恒星运转的行星。系外行星应用通过高度可视与交互的方式让您了解目前已知的系外行星系统。此外系外行星应用还提供了银河系视角,简单的指尖缩放您就能够探索小到太阳系大到宇宙微波背景辐射不同尺度上的广袤宇宙。本软件中使用的行星数据是实时更新的,一旦有新发现的行星,您都会收到数据更新提醒(需要网络连接)。本软件是由一名专业天文学家开发和维护的。 主要特点: * 采用了交互式的可视化和动画技术。 * 数据库包括了所有探测到的系外行星以及寄主恒星的各项物理参数,并提供每日的增量数据更新。 * 令人惊叹的银河系三维模型展示了所有已知系外行星系统在银河系中的方位。您可以放大查看任何一个行星系统,看看在其他星球上的夜空和星座与在地球上看到的有什么不同。您也可以缩小视角查看本星系群和宇宙微波背景辐射。 * 直观显示了系外行星的轨道以及该行星系统的适宜居住带。 * 消息推送让您不会错过任何新行星的发现。 * 增强现实的星空图:将您的手机指向天空,本软件可以帮您快速定位感兴趣的系外行星! * 交互式生成相关关系图,并支持多点触摸。 * 详尽的系外行星背景说明以及探测手段的介绍。 * 完全支持双星、三合星和四合星系统中行星以及孤儿行星(不绕任何恒星公转的行星)的数据显示。 * 基于GPU的实时射线跟踪技术。 如果您有任何意见和建议,欢迎发送邮件给开发者(exoplanet@hanno-rein.de) 您也可以在推特和脸书上跟随系外行星行用的通知和更新: http://twitter.com/ExoplanetApp http://facebook.com/ExoplanetApp

    大小 104.83M 类型 教育
  • 10 排名

    Universe created by fans , Let's THEKKING! THEKKINGは、K-Cultureを愛する世界中のファンダムのためのグローバルプラットフォームです。 1. FAN PICK (Fan Vote) - マイ最愛をニューヨークへ GO GO!! 100%ファン投票1位にはニューヨークタイムズスクエアの広告をリワードとして提供!! - 韓国を代表するK-POP、K-Drama、K-Celebの候補たちの熾烈なリアルタイムランキング争いが始まります。 毎月Fan pick Ranking全体1位にはTHEKKINGが世界の主要スポットでの広告をプレゼントします。 - 毎月誕生日を迎えたK-POP IDOLのための特別なBirthday Rankingまで! 2. FAN SUPPORT - ファンの真心がこもった特別プレゼント!!今、 THEKKINGで気持ちを表現しましょう~ 3. Free Charge - 最愛に憧れるファンの必須TIP! THEKKINGで遊ぶと無料ポイントが続々! - よりバラエティに富んだ、より多くの特典で提供する無料広告(ミッション型/動画)サービス! THEKKING Official Twitter : https://twitter.com/thek___king THEKKING Official Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/thek.king/ THEKKING Official Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyUPBNVIye76zRn0LLUODyw/featured 開発者の連絡先:thekking.official@gmail.com THEKKING App使用の際に、必要なアクセス権は次のとおりです。 - E-mail(必須):会員を識別するための情報収集用途 - 機器情報(必須):端末装置の識別及びネットワーク状態の確認のためのアクセス - Camera(選択):コンテンツ登録の際の写真の撮影 - 写真ライブラリ(選択):コンテンツ登録の際のライブラリ添付 - Push(選択):サービス通知及びプッシュ通知の受信 アプリ利用に必ず必要な項目に限って必須アクセス権を収集しています。 必須ではないアクセス権の場合、その機能を利用する時に同意を頂いており、同意しなくてもサービスの利用は可能です。

    大小 45.05M 类型 娱乐
  • 11 排名

    eXo Platform is an all-in-one digital workplace solution that helps you connect, align and engage your teams around a single interface. You can use it to improve company and peer-to-peer communication, boost collaboration and manage company knowledge. eXo Platform’s mobile app can be easily connected to your organization's private and personalized installation of eXo Platform. Based on a simple and intuitive design, the app allows your teams to access their digital workplace wherever they are, be notified about important things through push notifications, and access all of the platform’s features.

    大小 23.06M 类型 效率
  • 12 排名

    KPOP Piano Game is now one of the most popular music game all over the world. An addictive Piano Game with addictive songs by K-pop artists specially made for K-Pop Fans Songs used in this game are very hot and updated. Tap on the black tiles, don't hit any white tiles, don't miss any black tile. There are six modes to play: Hard Endless, Easy Endless, Hard Limited, Easy Limited, Hard Rhythm, Easy Rhythm You can compare your scores with other fans around the world You can play with Piano or Guitar Sound Many great song to choose and play - Winter Bear - BTS V - Fever - GFRIEND - Umpah Umpah - RED VELVET - Fancy - TWICE - Kill This Love - BLACKPINK - Boy With Luv - BTS - SOLO - JENNIE - Song Request - Lee Sora ft Sugar - Millions - WINNER - Love Shot - EXO - YES or YES - TWICE - Sunrise - GFRIEND - Way Back Home (Shaun) - Dance The Night Away (TWICE) - DDu Du DDu Du (BlackPink) - Fake Love (BTS) - Time For The Moon Night (GFRIEND) - Starry Night (Mamamoo) - I.P.U (Wanna One) - BBoom BBoom (Momoland) - Love Scenario (iKON) - Bad Boy (Red Velvet) - Universe (EXO) - Tell Me (Infinite) - Don't Leave (Block B) - Mic Drop (BTS) - Likey (TWICE) - Black Suit (Super Junior) - Beautiful (Wanna One) - Peek-A-Boo (Red Velvet) - Go Go Go (BTS) - Missing You (BTOB) - Downpour (I.O.I) - Clap (Seventeen) - Not Today (BTS) - Blood Sweet & Tears (BTS) - Save Me (BTS) - Butterfly (BTS) - Call Me Baby (EXO) - Monster (EXO) - Lion Heart (SNSD) - Party (SNSD) - TT (Twice) - Cheer Up (Twice) - Playing With Fire (BlackPink) - Why So Lonely (Wonder Girl) - Never Ever (GOT7) - If You (Big Bang) - Palette (IU Ft G.Dragon) - Rumor (K.W.A.D) - Really Really (WINNER) - Rough (G-Friend) - Rookie (Red Velvet) - Fine (Taeyeon) - 11:11 (Taeyeon) - Ending Scene (IU) - Stay With Me (CHANYEOL, PUNCH) - If You Do (GOT7) - Signal (TWICE) - Don't Wanna Cry (Seventeen) - Pretty U (Seventeen) - L.I.E (EXID) - I'll Be Yours (Girl's Day) - The Eye (INFINIT) - Hey Mama (EXO) - For You (EXO - Moon Lover OST) - Sing For You (EXO) - Spring Day (BTS) - Fire (BTS) - All In (Monsta X) - Beautiful (Monsta X) - Plz Don't Be Said (Highlight) - Calling You (Highlight) - Last Dance (Big Bang) - Only One (APINK) - Remember (APINK) - Glass Bead (GFRIEND) - NAVILLERA (GFRIEND) - Couldn't Cry Because I'm A Man (Ruler Master Of The Mask OST) - Untitled, 2014 (G-Gragon) - AS IF IT'S YOUR LAST (BLACKPINK) - Kokobop (EXO) - Red Flavor (Red Velvet) - Yes I Am (MAMAMOO) - Yesterday (Block B) - DNA (BTS) - POWER (EXO) - SUMMER RAIN (GFRIEND) ..........

    大小 50.51M 类型 家庭聚会
  • 13 排名

    KPop Wallpapers 4K & Themes HD - New Bands app provides all pics of hot new KPop bands nowadays. This app collects VIXX,Highlight,NCT,SECHSKIES,ASTRO,Block B,B.A.P,PENTAGON,VICTON,GOT7 and other band pics. Why is this wallpaper collection Different: - KPop Wallpapers 4K & Themes HD: HD gallery-standard artworks to use as wallpaper - KPop Wallpapers 4K & Themes HD: Filter pics likes Instagram - KPop Wallpapers 4K & Themes HD: Crop a pic before the pic will be saved - KPop Wallpapers 4K & Themes HD: Favorite pics you loved - KPop Wallpapers 4K & Themes HD: Fun to customise your own pics with the quotes and pictures - KPop Wallpapers 4K & Themes HD: iCloud photos sharing It also carefully selected inspirational quotes about KPop entertainment and KPop Wallpapers 4K & Themes HD life, to let you understand more of beauty and life wisdom while enjoying these stunning pictures in KPop Wallpapers 4K & Themes HD. Besides, you are also able to create your own phone screen by selecting your favourite quote and using the pictures in KPop Wallpapers 4K & Themes HD as background.
 "What you see is What you can get". Take a look at the screenshots, and you can taste what more you will get from this KPop Wallpapers 4K & Themes HD.

    大小 28.75M 类型 摄影与录像
  • 14 排名

    SM ENTERTAINMENT 공식 온라인스토어 입니다.

    大小 122.12M 类型 购物
  • 15 排名

    Transit is your real-time urban travel companion. Open the app to instantly see accurate next departure times, track buses and trains near you on the map, and see upcoming transit schedules. Use the trip planner to quickly compare trips - including options like bus and bike, or metro and subway. Get alerted about service disruptions and delays for your favorite lines, and save frequently used locations for trip directions in a tap. HERE’S WHAT THEY’RE SAYING "Gives you the best route to where you want to go" - New York Times “You won't realize how much time you can save planning until you use this app” - LA Times “Killer app” - Wall Street Journal "MBTA has a favorite transit app — and it's called Transit" - Boston Globe “A one-stop-shop” - Washington Post AND HERE’S THE WORD FROM PUBLIC TRANSIT RIDERS “Your app was the deciding factor in selling my car.” “Blows Google Maps out of the water.” “The head of our local transit agency recommended this app over the one her agency created.” 6 GREAT THINGS ABOUT TRANSIT: 1) THE BEST REAL-TIME DATA The app uses the best transit agency data sources like MTA Bus Time, MTA Train Time, NJ Transit MyBus, SF MUNI Next Bus, CTA Bus Tracker, WMATA Next Arrivals, SEPTA Real-Time and many more. We combine that data with our fancy ETA prediction engine so that you get the most accurate real-time info possible for all transit modes - including buses, subways, trains, streetcars, metros, ferries, ridehail and more. Prefer to travel on two wheels? With GPS, you can see live bikeshare and scooter locations right on the map. 2) TRAVEL OFFLINE Bus schedules, stop locations, subway maps and even our trip planner are available offline. 3) POWERFUL TRIP PLANNING See fast and easy trips combining buses, subways and trains – the app even suggests routes that combine multiple options in one trip like bus + bike or scooter + metro. You’ll find great trip plans that you never even considered! Don’t like to walk a lot or use a certain mode or transit agency? Personalize your travel in the settings. 4) GO: OUR STEP-BY-STEP NAVIGATOR* Receive departure alarms to catch your bus or train, and get alerted when it’s time to get off or transfer. When using GO, you’ll also crowdsource more accurate info and real-time ETAs for other passengers– and rack up points and thank yous for being the most helpful rider on your line. 5) User Reports See what other riders have to say! With millions of users contributing, you’ll get helpful info on crowding levels, on-time performance, the closest subway exits, and more. 6) Easy Payments Pay your transit fare and buy bikeshare passes directly in the app in over 75 cities. *continued use of GPS running in the background can decrease battery life. 300+ CITIES INCLUDING: Atlanta, Austin, Baltimore, Boston, Buffalo, Charlotte, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Hartford, Honolulu, Houston, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Louisville, Madison, Miami, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Nashville, New Orleans, New York City, Orlando, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Providence, Portland, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco, St. Louis, Tampa, Washington D.C. 1000+ PUBLIC TRANSIT AGENCIES INCLUDING: AC Transit, Atlanta Streetcar (MARTA), Bee-Line, Big Blue Bus, Caltrain, Cap Metro, CATS, CDTA, CTA, CT Transit, DART, DC Metro (WMATA), DDOT, GCRTA, HART, Houston Metro, KCATA, King County Metro Transit, LA DOT, LA Metro,LBT, LIRR, Lynx, MCTS, MDOT MTA, Metra, Metrolink, MetroNorth, Miami Dade Transit, MTA BUS, NCTD, New Jersey Transit (NJT), NFTA, NICE, NYC MTA Subway, OCTA, PACE, PRT, Ride-On, RTD, SEPTA, SF BART, SF Muni, Sound Transit, SORTA (Metro), St. Louis Metro, TANK, TheBus, Tri-Met, UTA, Valley Metro, Via SEE ALL SUPPORTED CITIES & COUNTRIES: TRANSITAPP.COM/REGION **Questions or feedback? Browse our help pages: help.transitapp.com, email us: info@transitapp.com, or find us on X: @transitapp**

    大小 148.02M 类型 导航
  • 16 排名

    Now I can be with my idol anytime, anywhere Set your favorite idol and make your group number 1 Your love can lead idols to victory. You can choose a group and members, and compete with other fans around the world to climb their rankings. Raise your ranking with the high score you achieved through the ending! Your knowledge and quick reaction will be the key to victory. Share your game results with your friends. Show off your score and share your passion for idols. Study Korean, play games, and enjoy the effect of killing two birds with one stone If you want to add the idol group you want, please write it in the review! We will update right away! Free Music : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsEnhy3Nvdg

    大小 56.34M 类型 字谜
  • 17 排名

    Service de transport à la demande exo à la demande est un service de transport collectif qui offre un service de proximité simple, flexible et efficace, que cela soit pour magasiner, vous rendre au travail, étudier ou encore pour vous amuser. Avec l’application exo transport à la demande, vous pourrez réserver votre trajet en quelques étapes en temps réel ou jusqu’à 7 jours à l’avance selon vos besoins. Comment fonctionne exo à la demande? Téléchargez l’application, créez un compte en fournissant votre nom, votre numéro de téléphone et votre adresse de courriel. Pour réserver un déplacement, indiquez votre emplacement actuel et votre destination. L’application vous proposera ensuite des arrêts près de votre localisation. Une fois votre déplacement réservé, rendez-vous à l’intersection désignée et suivez le véhicule en temps réel. Des questions? Rendez-vous au https://exo.quebec/fr/planifier-trajet/exo-a-la-demande

    大小 22.60M 类型 旅游
  • 18 排名

    If you love K-Pop and enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles, I have good news for you. "Trendy K-Pop Puzzle" is definitely your game to go. Varying from 9 to 64 pieces, dozens of magnificent & high quality puzzles await you. If you're stuck you can use "Hint" to have a glimpse of the picture or use "Help" to locate one piece. Hope you enjoy the game :) ••• Please check my other puzzles and games too. ••• I would love to hear your feedback / encouragements. Really appreciate if you could leave a review.

    大小 121.91M 类型 益智解谜
  • 19 排名

    我们通过多样化的内容和信息将明星和全球粉丝们进行连接, 介绍并分享多样化文化内容的无国界沟通娱乐内容平台, 为全世界粉丝们提供与明星沟通,内容参与的特别体验, 给明星提供与全球粉丝们沟通,进军海外的机会, 为娱乐相关的所有制作公司,品牌,相关企业提供与全球粉丝圈一起创造梦想的机会。

    大小 80.59M 类型 生活
  • 20 排名

    Você não precisa ficar sentado em frente à TV para acompanhar os programas que você gosta. Assista tudo através do aplicativo EXO Play. Você pode gravar programações, retroceder e ver a grade completa de todos os canais. Assine ja seu combo e tenha acesso ao aplicativo. O aplicativo tem alto consumo de banda. Caso você esteja usando serviços de dados com tarifas da sua operadora de telefonia móvel (3G, 4G), observe que isso pode aumentar seus custos.

    大小 35.36M 类型 娱乐
  • 21 排名

    通过世界上最常用的数学学习资源,学习如何解决数学问题,检查家庭作业和学习即将到来的考试和ACT/SAT。超过1亿次下载,每月解决数十亿问题! 运行原理 使用设备的相机即时扫描打印文本和手写数学问题,或使用我们的科学计算器输入和编辑方程式。 Photomath将每个数学问题分解为简单易懂的步骤,这样您就可以真正理解核心概念,并可以自信地回答问题。 主要特点 扫描教科书(打印)和手写问题 科学计算器 每个解决方案的逐步说明 多种解决方法 支持30多种语言 交互式图表 数学主题 基础数学/预代数:算术、整数、分数、十进制数、幂、根、因子 代数:线性方程/不等式、二次方程、方程组、对数、函数、矩阵、图形、多项式 三角学/初等数学:恒等式、圆锥截面、向量、矩阵、复数、序列和数列、对数函数 微积分: 极限、导数、积分、曲线草图 统计:组合、阶乘 我们的内部资深数学教育工作者团队还与全球教师合作,确保我们在数学引擎中使用最有效、最现代的教学方法。 刊登于Huffington Post、Forbes、TIME、CNN、EdSurge、Guiding Tech、The Verge、TechCrunch等。 有建议、意见或问题?请发送电子邮件至support@photomath.com 关注我们! Facebook:facebook.com/Photomathapp Twitter:@Photomath Photomath现在并且将永远免费使用,但您可以通过升级到Photomath Plus来提升您的学习效果。 Photomath Plus提供有关单词问题的全套教科书和问题集的解决方案!目前仅限于美国和特定教科书。 在确认购买时,将从您的Apple ID帐户中收取付款。除非在当前期间结束前至少24小时取消,否则订阅会自动续订。您的帐户将在当前期间结束前24小时内收取续订费用。您可以在购买后转到App Store上的帐户设置来管理和取消订阅。优惠和价格如有变更,恕不另行通知。 更多信息: 使用条款:https://photomath.com/en/termsofuse 隐私政策:https://photomath.com/en/privacypolicy

    大小 30.62M 类型 教育
  • 22 排名

    Tap the cards to match the K-POP cards of the same shape! If you hit it in a row, you can get a huge bonus score. However, if it is wrong, the time will be reduced, so please choose carefully. Let's clear all stages within the time limit right now. And show off your record to friends~!

    大小 168.23M 类型 休闲
  • 23 排名

    KPOP HD Wallpaper contains wallpapers of popular, New Korean artists' and bands'. KPOP HD wallpapers added with daily updates. So you can find popular and Latest KPOP wallpaper and set as wallpaper them with this application. 4K Ultra HD K-Pop Wallpaper is easy to use. DISCLAIMER: This app is made by KPOP fans, and it is unofficial.

    大小 16.47M 类型 图形和设计
  • 24 排名

    Choose difficulty and mode then tap the Kpop Team you want. You can find the title of the songs at the bottom by horizontal, vertical, or diagonal lines. Enjoy! *1.0 : EXO, BTS, GOT7, SEVENTEEN, BAP, BTOB, VIXX, NCT *1.2 : TWICE *1.4 : BIGBANG *1.5 : RED VELVET *2.0 : NCT127, STRAY KIDS, MONSTA X *3.0 : BLACKPINK, IKON

    大小 39.94M 类型 益智解谜
  • 25 排名

    The Daebak Company is a community-driven subscription-based e-commerce platform that aims to unite and inspire the global Hallyu community by delivering the best products, services, and contents. Unique, trendy, and practical goodies. From K-beauty and K-pop to fashion and accessories, stationery, cute character goodies, and everything in between - delivered straight from Korea. Worldwide shipping available.

    大小 43.07M 类型 购物
  • 26 排名

    饭拍是一款以韩国女团,韩国男团高清,超清,4k视频为主的应用 如果你喜欢女团的饭拍,你不可以错过 如果你喜欢男团的饭拍,你不可以错过 饭拍有一个专门为饭拍视频定制的播放器 饭拍现在起支持VR视频播放 饭拍从现在起支持WEBM格式的播放,包括VP8,VP9的编码,iOS 首款支持WEBM格式的播放器就在这里 饭拍现在起支持局域网视频播放(SMB协议),让你的电脑成为视频库 支持各种视频格式:webm,flv,mkv,mov,m4v,mp4,rmvb,avi等只要你能想到的视频格式 横屏竖屏切换,只要你想要,马上就可以有 与百度云的完美结合,让你根本停不下来

    大小 81.51M 类型 音乐
  • 27 排名

    Chrono Mobile est l’application officielle des organismes de transport en commun (exo, REM, RTL, STL et STM). Elle est développée pour offrir à ses usagers une expérience métropolitaine complète. Que ce soit à vélo (BIXI), en métro, en Communauto, en bateau ou en autobus et en train, Chrono vous permet d’acheter vos titres de transport, de trouver le meilleur itinéraire pour votre prochain déplacement ou de réserver un mode de transport alternatif. Téléchargez l’application, créez et personnalisez votre compte pour bénéficier de toutes les fonctionnalités : -Évitez les files d’attente, rechargez votre carte OPUS et achetez des titres de transport -Accédez à l’information de tout le réseau métropolitain : horaires complets en temps réel* et planifiés, position et niveau d’occupation des autobus et trains, carte du réseau, etc. -Réservez votre prochain BIXI, réservez une voiture Communauto ou Communauto Flex. -Planifiez tous vos futurs déplacements en transport collectif ou à vélo. -Créez des favoris et des alertes pour les lignes et les arrêts que vous utilisez souvent. -Lisez le contenu de toutes vos cartes (OPUS et occasionnelles) et trouvez un nouveau point de vente pour l’achat de vos titres. * Lorsque l’information est disponible. 

    大小 82.37M 类型 导航
  • 28 排名

    谁不爱球射击游戏?如果你搭配这种风格与同样大受欢迎2048会发生什么?拍摄与数字球的链:相同的标号将被合并成一个较大的 - 2,4,8等。你的目标是,直到你用完的自由空间去了宝贵的2048! 游戏特点: 〜最喜欢的两个类型的混合 〜拍摄到的球的链 〜结合数字将达到2048

    大小 108.54M 类型 休闲
  • 29 排名

    1. Connect drone based on mobile phone WIFI and browse real-time image stream. 2. The flight attitude and movement of drone can be controlled through the control page. 3. You can capture and record videos on the transport stream. 4. Some models support gesture recognition or image following after pedestrian detection. 5. In the scribing flight mode, make the drone fly according to the trajectory by drawing the trajectory.

    大小 177.05M 类型 娱乐
  • 30 排名

    Free version of the popular Kpop Music Quiz game! Test your knowledge of over 235 Kpop songs with this fun music game for iPhone and iPad. This is the same game as the paid version but with an ad. We will be providing regular updates so stay tuned.

    大小 85.27M 类型 问答
  • 31 排名

    Designed and developed for file uploaders in mind. Files uploaded are given a unique id and stored in a decentralized way. Files can then be retrieved via a link through the browser. *Note: All Exo file uploads are temporary and will get deleted after some time.

    大小 9.15M 类型 工具
  • 32 排名

    Sistema de Transporte Público de Bicicletas de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. La Ciudad cuenta con su Sistema de Transporte Público de Bicicletas, gratis, las 24 horas, todos los días el año. BA Ecobici por Tembici cuenta con 4000 bicicletas y 400 estaciones distribuidas por toda la Ciudad, alcanzando al 80% de los vecinos. Andar en bicicleta mejora tu salud y ayuda al medio ambiente. Ahorrás tiempo y te permite conectar más y mejor con el entorno que te rodea. Descargate la app de BA Ecobici por Tembici para disfrutar de Buenos Aires en dos ruedas. Es simple: - Iniciá sesión ingresando tu nombre de usuario y contraseña; - localizá la estación más cercana; - Ingresá el número de estación en la que te encontrás - seleccioná “desbloqueá la bicicleta” ingresando el código en el teclado que se encuentra al lado de la bici - esperá la luz verde con señal sonora - ¡Listo, a pedalear! Para devolver la bicicleta solo deberás trabarla en una posición libre en tu estación de destino. Las bicicletas cuentan con protector de cadena integrado, cuadro de aluminio liviano y durable, frenos de alta eficiencia, luces led delanteras y traseras alimentadas por un dínamo, cambios de tres velocidades, asiento regulable en altura y canasto robusto adaptable según el tamaño del equipaje. Para más información, entrá en www.baecobici.com.ar

    大小 55.15M 类型 导航
  • 33 排名

    Enjoy seamless music listening experience! Sync and manage your favorite MP3 files across all your devices such as iPhone/iPad/iPod and your Mac! Any music, podcasts, DJ sets, remixes or other mp3 audio files you want! Listen to ​music that you really need! Music Player: - Full-featured music player - Lock screen control - Headphones and Air Port support - Background music playback Unlimited music storage: - Listen to your music from Cloud storages - Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud Drive - Device space saver - Connect to shared folders in the cloud Easy-to-use playlist Manager - Add, delete, modify playlists and tracks - Sort own media library to create playlist by frequency of plays, by author, by track name, etc. This app is perfect for quick access to your favorite music from your cloud storages without internet. SUBSCRIPTION PRICING & TERMS Weekly Subscription - $1.99 per week (with 3-day free trial). – Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase. – You will be able to access full feature of the app for the duration of the subscription. – Subscription automatically renews for the same price and duration period as the original ""one week"" unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period. – The account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period at the cost of the chosen package (weekly). – Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off on the user's iTunes Account Settings after purchase. – No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during active subscription period. – You may cancel a subscription during its free trial period via the subscription setting through your iTunes account. This must be done 24 hours before the end of the subscription period to avoid being charged. Please visit http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4098 for more information. – You may turn off the auto-renewal of your subscription via your iTunes Account Settings. However, you are not able to cancel the current subscription during its active period. – Any unused portion of a free-trial period, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription. Read our full Terms of Service and our Privacy Policy at: https://levisrecs.wordpress.com/privacy-policy/ https://levisrecs.wordpress.com/terms-of-use/

    大小 61.69M 类型 音乐
  • 34 排名

    你是一个真正的kpop粉丝吗!使用这款Kpop Quiz游戏可测试你的K-pop乐队知识。包括K-pop组合 BTS、BLACKPINK、Twice、Exo、Seventeen、NCT,以及未来更新将增加更多。 本游戏为Kpop新手和真正的粉丝提供了具有挑战性的测验! 测试你属于bts防弹少年团还是blink粉丝

    大小 107.40M 类型 娱乐
  • 35 排名

    My ExO est une application conçue pour les amateur et professionnel du sport. Elle offre un outil de suivi personnalisé afin d'atteindre vos objectifs sport/santé ou sport/performance. En tant que sportif, My ExO vous permet d'accéder à vos séances d'entraînement, de réaliser vos feedbacks après chaque séance et de visualiser vos différents bilans "qualité" (analyse du mouvement, tests physiques..). My ExO est une solution simple et efficace pour les sportifs qui souhaitent améliorer la qualité de leur entraînement.

    大小 6.11M 类型 体育
  • 36 排名

    Movilidad Park es el Sistema de estacionamiento inteligente de la Ciudad de Bahía Blanca. Para comenzar a utilizarlo, cada persona puede registrarse en la plataforma rápidamente utilizando algún perfil de sus redes sociales preferidas. Junto con la creación de su perfil de usuario, se genera un monedero virtual al cual puede cargarle saldo aprovechando las capacidades de cobro de Mercado Pago. Con saldo pre-cargado en su monedero virtual, podrá pagar desde la aplicación móvil el estacionamiento medido de la Ciudad, en el momento que necesite utilizarlo, ingresando al menú Estacionar, y cargando en éste la patente de su vehículo, tramo de calle donde estacionó, y seleccionando el tiempo de permanencia. Funcionalidades: Movilidad Park cuenta la capacidad de aprovechar el GPS de su teléfono inteligente. Esto le permite a la aplicación identificar la zona donde se encuentra estacionado, y mostrarle así los tramos de calle correctos. El Historial de consumos le permite llevar un detalle de los usos del sistema de estacionamiento urbano, contando con la información de fecha, hora, lugar de estacionamiento, período de tiempo utilizado, e importe abonado. Esta información alojada en su perfil de usuario podrá ser enviada por e-mail a su cuenta de correo personal, para luego asentarla dentro de sus consumos personales, o rendirla en su empresa. Desde Tiempo transcurrido podrá controlar cuánto tiempo de estacionamiento queda para su vehículo y, gracias a las alertas en su teléfono móvil, la aplicación podrá notificarle de manera temprana el vencimiento de su tiempo de estacionamiento. De esta forma podrá renovarlo desde la misma App sin tener que acercarse a su automóvil. Su Perfil de usuario le permitirá mantener sus datos actualizados en la plataforma, y operar con la plataforma de pago para recargar crédito en su monedero virtual. También podrá agregar una o más patentes, si en la familia cuentan con varios automóviles, o si utiliza diferentes vehículos corporativos. Desde el apartado Información útil podrá acceder a los datos de contacto con el municipio, por cualquier duda o consulta que desee realizar sobre el funcionamiento de la App, o del resto de la solución de estacionamiento urbano.

    大小 37.32M 类型 工具
  • 37 排名

    Never worry about missing your train station with Exo Destinations. Receive timely alerts as you approach your station, allowing you to sit back and relax. Stay informed with all the information you need while traveling, whether you're a frequent commuter or just on a quick day trip – Destinations has something for everyone. — STATION ALERTS — Bid farewell to the days of worrying about missing your stop. Simply choose your station, and get notified when you're almost there. Enjoy a peaceful sleep after a long day, kick back and watch a movie, or receive an alert during your adventure to a new place! — BE IN THE KNOW — Trying to figure out where you are? Or how much time you have until your train station? Wonder no more! Destinations provides real-time information on your current location, arrival time, remaining travel time, distance to your destination, and even your speed! View your location on a map and track your journey. — CUSTOMISABLE — Tailor your trip to your preferences. Decide how close to your station you want to be alerted and even choose the notification sound that plays when you're almost there. — SUPER SIMPLE — Destinations is designed to be both beautiful and incredibly user-friendly. Whether you want to follow your trip as you travel or quickly set a destination and take a nap, Destinations can do it all and more. New features and fixes are always on the way! If you have a feature you would like to see in the app or even a quirky bug that you found, feel free to reach out. We’re always excited to hear from our users! We read all emails and reviews, so please leave a review below or reach out to us at support@kleincodes.com Happy travels! Exo Destinations is not affiliated with the any rail companies. From time to time, Destinations may briefly access your GPS in order to have higher confidence in your location. Battery life is very important to us and we do many things to ensure we use it sparingly. Please be aware that continued use of GPS services running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life. Terms: https://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/itunes/dev/stdeula/ Privacy: https://www.kleincodes.com/destinations/privacy

    大小 80.95M 类型 旅游
  • 38 排名

    Make fandom STAN CARDS and quizzes with Top Stan! It takes 30 seconds to craft the perfect quiz to share to any vertical video social network such as TikTok, Youtube Shorts and Instagram Reels. Make your own STAN CARD in your user profile. Make quizzes for ANY fandom! • Celebrate YOUR fandom’s culture through quizzes • Test your knowledge. Learn new things about your fandom! Make Unique Quizzes! • Classic multiple choice style • Lyrics. Guess the album from the lyric! • Stuck? We’ll help you come up with impossibly hard questions Make It Yours! • Start with our quiz templates, but make them your own • Watch other fans take your quiz and become a TikTok superstar Prove You’re a Top Stan! • Only the realest stans rank on the fandom's Top Stan leaderboard. Do you have what it takes? • Climb the leaderboard by making and taking quizzes • Become your fandom's TOP STAN! What are you waiting for? Pre-order now!

    大小 72.72M 类型 社交
  • 39 排名

    I am a parent of a 9 year old boy and I created this app to help him work on his mathematics. I found that the amount of exercises given by the teachers was not enough for him to master the concepts and methods in mathematics. The application creates exercises by themes and subjects or levels, with each time new questions. I show detailed correction of the answers. It also makes it possible to set work objectives (for example 100 correct answers per day) and to recommend subjects to be worked on as a priority (Todos). I use it daily with my kid. I share it now so that it can be useful to everyone. The app contains 40 exercises. Each exercise is a mini program that creates questions and corrects the answers. The questions change every time. The exercises are sorted by level of difficulty, and each exercise is accompanied by help material. The application concentrate on measures (time, duration,weight, length, capacity, money). An explorer allows you to choose an exercise. For parents, a dashboard allows to monitor progress, set goals or recommend exercises to be done as a priority (todos). For the student, a score is displayed to show results and progress on current goals ; a history is available to measure progress and results over time. The application allows you to create several user profiles: several children can use it, while saving their history and preferences. The application can serve as an educational support for teachers in the context of semi-autonomous work : the native multi-profile mode allows teachers to create several workspaces for students; the exercises generated with their answers constitute a teaching material ; the dashboard is useful to monitor progress. The app contains no ads, no in-app purchases. It does not collect personal data. It does not link to any website.

    大小 3.98M 类型 教育
  • 40 排名

    I am a parent of a 9 year old boy and I created this app to help him work on and revise mathematics. I found that the amount of exercises given by the teachers was not enough for him to master the concepts and methods in mathematics. The application creates exercises by themes and subjects or levels, with each time new questions. I show detailed correction of the answers. It also makes it possible to set work objectives (for example 100 correct answers per day) and to recommend subjects to be worked on as a priority (Todos). I use it daily with my kid. I share it now so that it can be useful to everyone. The app contains nearly 200 exercises. Each exercise is a mini program that creates questions and corrects the answers. The questions change every time. The exercises are sorted by level of difficulty, and each exercise is accompanied by help material. The application is structured according to the following main themes : numbers, operations, measurement (time and duration, weights, lengths, volumes and money) and geometry (symmetries and geometric shapes). An explorer allows you to choose the exercises. For parents, a dashboard allows to track progress, set goals or recommend exercises to be done as a priority (todos). For the student, a score is displayed to show results and progress on current goals ; a history is available to measure progress and results over time. The application allows you to create several user profiles: several children can use it, while saving their history and preferences. The application can serve as an educational support for teachers in the context of semi-autonomous work : the native multi-profile mode allows teachers to create several workspaces for students; the exercises generated with their answers constitute a teaching material ; the dashboard is useful to measure progress. The app contains no ads, no in-app purchases. It does not collect personal data. It does not link to any website.

    大小 4.00M 类型 教育
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