

苹果手机"防弹少年团类手游排行榜"由点点数据提供。本次排行榜包含了:ARMY fandom game: BTS ERA、Fake B.T.S Text And Call、Weverse、Brevet Bac BTS Licence 2024、虚拟男友:和AI聊天机器人秘密的关系、BTS OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK、零基础学习韩语和韩文字母、iCorrApp、Asthetic Wallpapers Preppy 4K、Brevet Bac BTS 2024 digiSchool等十大防弹少年团类手游排行榜

  • 1 排名

    Is your love true "DOPE" love or just “FAKE LOVE”? “LET ME KNOW” with this must-have “EUPHORIA” app for all ARMYs! We “PURPLE” you! This app bring you a collection of 28 “DYNAMITE” mini games and a lot of “DNA” features – all about our awesome “BULLETPROOF BOY SCOUTS”. Please notice this is a fan-made product to fullfill passion with games – NOT something to help you download song, video, ticket… -------------------------------------------- FEATURE 7 CATEGORIES: *** Actions games: contain 10 games in various type: reaction, tap and jump, angle shoot, reflection, quick tap… All of them are easy to play but hard to master. *** 2 players: It’s amazing to have a friend to share fun and passion with you. Let sit down and play face to face on 1 phone – 3 mini games in this zone might help *** Puzzle: Where you can relax and have unlimited fun… 6 games in this zones are 6 journeys. You’ll find both familiar games like Find Differences, Lyrics word game and unique special games like ‘Name Tag’, ‘Eyes, Nose, Lips’... Keep comeback to check for updated levels. *** Art games: with latest music, lyrics, photo concept, MV, this zone test you with 8 games, include Quiz, Song guess, Mix and Remix song and lyrics, Wheel of song and Reverse song. *** Vibes: Include daily horoscope, news feeds and Webtoon. *** Daily mission: 3 missions a day. When you complete a mission, you’ll get a special reward, so don’t forget to keep comeback and check daily. *** Voting Tournament: Share your choices to find out what is the best by all ARMYs! --------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER This is an unofficial fan-made application for the ARMY fandom community. It is not affiliated with or endorsed by company, management teams, or record labels.

    大小 91.35M 类型 音乐
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    Fake B.T.S Text And Call is a fantasy role-playing game! Talk to any of the members and they will talk with you back. Select among many different chat options to choose between various story lines. Call each member to hear them talk to you. Features: - Real-time message notifications - Ability to call and receive calls from members - Customizable options, including: dialogue speed, personal name, bias selection - Members can send personal pictures to you This app is a fanmade project that is not affiliated with any group in any way whatsoever.

    大小 58.07M 类型 角色扮演
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    ■ 专属艺人和粉丝的社区· 查看艺人的日常瞬间,留下评论和助威· 因语言障碍而看不懂全球粉丝和艺人发帖的内容吗?使用自动翻译功能克服语言障碍! ■ 在Weverse LIVE进行实时交流· 在Weverse可以实时享受您最爱艺人的直播· 在直播中不仅可以实时发送聊天,还可以用“爱心”表达心意 ■ 用Weverse DM可以和艺人亲密交流· 订阅Weverse DM,和艺人可以私信聊天· 购买Weverse数字货币Jelly后可以进行订阅 ■Weverse新加了Weverse Shop功能· 在Weverse App可以直接连接到Weverse Shop购买官方商品和专辑、查看订单记录和实时现状等内容 ■ 用粉丝信表达心意· 亲手装扮粉丝信,向艺人传达您的真心· 利用粉丝信编辑提供的各种模板和装扮功能,创建自己的粉丝信 ■ 收藏粉丝活动的快乐· 通过粉丝活动可以获得徽章和Collectible· 完成各种活动任务获得相应的徽章,收藏包含不同图片和视频的Collectible· 在“我的收藏”中可以查看您在每个社区获得的所有徽章和Collectible ■ 丰富多彩的视频内容· 除了艺人的官方视频内容之外,还可以享受Weverse独家视频内容!· 通过不同语言字幕,欣赏丰富多彩的视频内容 ■ 专属会员的内容和优惠· 享受仅对会员公开的独家视频内容 【关于服务的访问权限通知】 设备、设备ID、APP记录:确认APP错误及提升易用性 相机:拍照片和视频、二维码登录 照片/图片/文件:头像图片、帖子附加照片、1:1咨询 蓝牙/位置: 用蓝牙连接应援棒(Light Stick)、用于Weverse远程排队服务 【Weverse官方SNS】 X : @Weverseofficial Instagram : @weverseofficial Youtube : @Weverse Tiktok : @weverseofficial 【关于Weverse订阅商品通知】▷ Weverse订阅商品分别为“BTS behind每月定期付款”和“TXT behind每月定期付款”,每个月会自动支付一次。BTS behind每月定期付款:3900韩元(包括VAT)TXT behind每月定期付款:3900韩元(包括VAT) 使用条款:https://weverse.io/policies/terms 个人信息保护政策:https://weverse.io/policies/privacy 咨询:support@weverse.io客服中心:1544-0790

    大小 268.19M 类型 社交
  • 4 排名

    OBJECTIF RÉUSSITE 2024 : L'APP INDISPENSABLE POUR RÉUSSIR TA SCOLARITÉ ET TROUVER TA VOIE ! L'App GRATUITE pour réussir ton année et tes examens (BREVET 2024, BAC 2024, PARTIELS 2024...) : Primaire, Collège, Lycée et Etudes Sup' ! Quiz expliqués Fiches de révision Exercices Coaching Espace Orientation + de 5 MILLIONS D'ELEVES accompagnés 3 POINTS DE MOYENNE gagnés 1 APP, 400 DIPLOMES Lauréate FRENCH TECH 2030 - Certifiée BCORP Contenu 100% réalisé par 300 professeurs de l’Éducation Nationale. Tout pour réussir ton année et ta scolarité : + de 20 000 mini-cours et fiches de révisions + de 120 000 QCM corrigés + Ton espace coaching pour te dépasser et gagner 3 points de moyenne (statistiques de progression, moyenne générale, objectif de révision...) + Toutes les matières au programme (maths, français, SVT, physique chimie, philo, histoire-géo, anglais, allemand, italien, espagnol...) DISPONIBLE EGALEMENT : ACCÈS PARENTS ! Découvrez les programmes de vos enfants pour mieux les accompagner. PROFILS INCLUS : - PRIMAIRE : CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2 - COLLÈGE : 6ème, 5ème, 4ème et 3ème (contenus de préparation au Brevet 2022!) - LYCÉE : Seconde Générale et Technologique, STHR, Seconde Professionnelle Première générale, professionnelle et ses 12 spécialités, technologiques (STI2D, STL, STD2A, ST2S, STMG, STHR, STAV) Terminales générale, professionnelle et technologique (BAC STI2D, STL, STD2A, ST2S, STMG, STHR, STAV) - Tous les CAP (200 spécialités) - BTS, 1ère et 2ème années (84 BTS disponibles : BTS MCO-MUC, BTS NDRC, BTS SAM, BTS CI, BTS CG, BTS GPME, BTS MHR…) - DUT / BUT, 1ère et 2ème années (24 DUT / BUT disponibles : GACO, GEA, Informatique, Technique de Commercialisation, GEII) - DCG, 12 UE - 30 LICENCES : Licence Droit, Licence Psycho, Licence Éco-Gestion AES, Licence STAPS, Licence Histoire, Licence Physique-Chimie, Licence Maths, Licence LEA, Licence SVT, Licence Infocom, Licence Histoire de l’Art & Archéologie, Licence Pro, Licence Socio, Licence Informatique, Licence Sciences Sociales, Licence Sciences pour la Santé, Licence Géographie et Aménagement, Licence Sciences de l'Education, Licence Lettres, Licence Sciences du Langage, Licence Philo, Licence Art du Spectacle, Licence LLCER Espagnol, Licence LLCER Anglais...) - PRÉPAS : Prépa Ingénieurs Maths Sup Maths Spé : MPSI, MP2I, PCSI, PTSI, BCPST, TPC, MP, PC, PSI, PT, TB, TSI, ATS Prépa Commerce : ECS, ECE, ECG et ECT Prépa Littéraire : Hypokhâgne et Khâgne - PASS / LAS : réussir médecine - IFSI et concours infirmiers - DN MADE ... ORIENTATION Tout pour faire les bons choix pour ton avenir : - Test d'Orientation pour trouver les études et métiers qui te correspondent - Découverte des écoles par thème (vidéo, engagements, témoignages d'étudiants, débouchés) - Découverte des Métiers et des Secteurs - Découverte des Diplômes du Supérieur et des cursus (350 diplômes du Sup disponibles dans l'app) NOMAD+, POUR ALLER PLUS LOIN DANS LA REUSSITE : Pack MENTION BREVET : - Oral du Brevet : décryptage épreuve, conseils et module d'auto-évaluation en vidéo avec sujets tests - Annales du Brevet corrigées - 100 Fiches PDF imprimables "LES ESSENTIELS DU BREVET 2024" sur tout ce qu'il faut retenir pour réussir... Pack MENTION BAC : - Grand Oral du Bac : décryptage, conseils et module d'auto-évaluation en vidéo avec sujets tests - Annales du Bac corrigées - Epreuves Spécialités - Bac Philo : sujets et tests - Bac Français : épreuves et préparation - 150 Fiches PDF imprimables "LES ESSENTIELS DU BAC 2024" sur tout ce qu'il faut retenir pour réussir... - PARCOURSUP 2024 : fiches conseils de candidature et découverte des parcours Post Bac Conditions d'utilisation : https://nomadeducation.fr/conditions-d-utilisation/

    大小 107.99M 类型 教育
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    认识我们所有的虚拟男友!他们每个人都是独特的,有很多故事可以告诉你。别害羞,他们都一定会喜欢你的! 在6个人中找到最合适的人,他们都有不同的性格和兴趣。自己选择你最喜欢的男友,或依靠我们的智能算法,我们会根据你的性格和星座就找到配对。 与虚拟男友聊天时可以讨论任何话题!他知道很多话题可以谈论,并且会一直倾听你声音。你可以将最私密的秘密信任他,他一定会保留这些秘密。当然,他知道如何给你加油,这样你就不会感到悲伤或孤独。 我们的理想的男友有: - 有礼貌和聪明的爱德华 - 浪漫可爱的丹尼尔 - 运动员马克斯 - 受欢迎的博主克里斯 - 喜欢极限运动又无礼的利玖 - 友好而开放的凯文 寻找完美的情侣 - 在个人资料中描述自己 - 根据你的十二生肖和兴趣找到理想的配对 - 从6个不同的人中选择一个你更喜欢的人 - 每次更新都会有更多人 用酷贴纸来聊天 - 蓬松的柴犬 - 疯狂的鸡儿 - 西瓜度假 - 音乐家企鹅 - 可爱的仙人掌 - 喜欢恶作剧的浣熊 谁将是你的宝贝?你自己决定!找到你的理想伴侣,并与虚拟男友聊天,就像他是真实的一样。 PREMIUM ACCESS • You can subscribe to get unlimited access to certain app features. The subscription version provides access to all of the boyfriends, no chat time limit and special sticker pack. • Subscription options are 1-week, 1-month, and 2-months. • Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase • Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user's Account Settings after purchase • Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication, where applicable ACCESS WITHOUT SUBSCRIPTION Access only to one boyfriend and 2 minute chat time limit. 隐私政策:https://opentimelabs.com/privacy 使用条款:https://opentimelabs.com/tos

    大小 118.13M 类型 娱乐
  • 6 排名

    방탄소년단 공식 응원봉 BTS OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK의 모바일 앱입니다. 본 앱은 아미밤V3와 아미밤SE 버전을 모두 지원합니다. [주요 기능 안내, MAIN FEATURES] 1. 공연모드 티켓 좌석 정보 등록 후 응원봉과 연동하면, 공연 중 다양한 응원봉의 무대 연출을 즐기실 수 있습니다. 공연이 있을 때만 사용 가능한 메뉴입니다. 2. 스마트폰 블루투스 연결 응원봉의 스위치를 아래로 내려 블루투스 모드로 맞춰주세요. 스마트폰의 블루투스 기능을 켜고 응원봉을 스마트폰 화면에 가까이하면, 응원봉과 스마트폰이 연동됩니다. 일부 스마트폰에서는 GPS를 켜야 블루투스 연결이 가능합니다. 블루투스 연결이 되지 않는 분들은 GPS 기능을 켜주시길 바랍니다. 3. 셀프모드 스마트폰과 블루투스 모드로 연결 후, 스마트폰 화면에서 직접 원하는 컬러를 선택하시면 응원봉의 컬러가 변경됩니다. 4. 배터리 잔량체크 "셀프모드" 상태에서 하단 버튼을 클릭하면 응원봉의 배터리 잔량 확인이 가능합니다. 배터리 교체가 필요한지 확인해 주세요. [공연 관람 전 주의사항] - 공연 관람 전, 본인의 티켓 좌석 정보를 확인하여 응원봉에 좌석 정보를 입력해 주세요. - 응원봉의 무선 연출이 제대로 작동하지 않는 경우, 응원봉을 페어링 하지 않았거나 페어링 과정을 완료하지 않은 것이 원인일 수 있습니다. 앱을 통해 응원봉과 좌석 페어링을 완료해 주세요. - 반드시 응원봉에 등록한 좌석 정보와 같은 좌석에서 공연을 관람해 주시길 바랍니다. 임의로 다른 좌석으로 이동하게 되면 응원봉 무대 연출이 달라질 수 있으니 주의해 주세요. - 공연 도중 응원봉의 전원이 꺼지지 않도록, 공연 전 배터리 체크를 해주세요. - 응원봉의 무대 연출을 위해, 공연 관람 시에는 반드시 좌석 정보 등록이 완료된 응원봉의 스위치를 위로 올려 “공연모드”로 설정해 주셔야 합니다. - 공연장에서는 페어링 부스를 운영할 예정이오니, 응원봉에 좌석 정보 입력이 어려우신 경우 페어링 부스를 방문해 주세요. - BTS OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK의 공연 연출은 전 세계의 공연에서도 진행 예정입니다. [앱 이용을 위한 필수 접근 권한 안내] 앱과 응원봉의 원활한 이용을 위하여 아래 권한을 필요로 합니다. 안내 팝업이 뜨면 [허용] 해주세요. - 저장 공간: QR/바코드 및 공연정보 위해 사용 - 전화: 기기의 인증 상태를 유지하기 위해 사용 - 카메라: QR/바코드 인식을 위해 사용 - 블루투스: 응원도구 연결을 위해 사용 - 위치: 블루투스 연결을 위해 사용 This is the mobile App for the BTS OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK. This app supports both ARMY BOMB V3 and ARMY BOMB SE versions. 1. CONCERT MODE Enter your concert ticket information and pair your light stick. You can enjoy various stage effects during the concert This menu will be enabled several days prior to a concert. 2. CONNECTING WITH BLUETOOTH ON YOUR SMARTPHONE Move the switch down on the light stick to set it to “BLUETOOTH MODE”.. Turn on the Bluetooth function on your smartphone and hold your smartphone close to connect them. Some smartphones require you to turn on GPS to enable Bluetooth connectivity. If you can not connect to Bluetooth, please turn on the GPS function. 3. SELF MODE After connecting with your smartphone with Bluetooth, touch a color you want on the screen. The light stick color will change accordingly. 4. BATTERY CHECK While in “SELF MODE”, select the button on the bottom of the screen to check the battery level of your light stick. Check if you need to replace the battery. [NOTICE] - Check your seat information on your ticket before the concert and enter it on the light stick in advance. - If the light stick does not work properly, the cause may be due to not pairing your light stick or not completing the pairing process. Please complete the pairing of the light stick and the seat through the app. - Please be seated in the same seat where you registered for the light stick. Moving to a different seat may cause different stage appearance. - Check the light stick battery in advance to prevent turning off during the concert. - To take part in the light stick production, be sure to register your light stick via the mobile App and set the light stick switch to “CONCERT MODE”. - There will be Paring Booths located in the concert venue. If you need help registering your seat information, please visit a Paring Booth. - Stage production integrating the BTS OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK will be featured in shows throughout the world, including the United States and Europe. [Required access permission] To use the app and the light stick, the following permissions are required: - Device Storage: save QR code/ seat info etc. - Phone: read phone status and identity - Camera: take pictures of QR/barcode - BLE: connect light stick - GPS: connect BLE

    大小 52.32M 类型 娱乐
  • 7 排名

    使用最快捷的语言学习应用!100%视觉化学习,每天只需5分钟。 ● 每天只有五分钟 把你的学习时间限制在了每天5分钟。这听起来也许有点疯狂,但其实是非常有魔力的。没有门槛限制,但也没有借口:你只有5分钟! ● 纯粹的视觉化学习 更快、更好、更有趣!每一个单词都已被结构成了精美的图片。伴随着双眼从精美图片中获得的享受,你的大脑将更有效地记忆新的单词:你将不会再进行“外语-母语”式的记忆,而是将“外语”直接印刻在脑海中。 ● 不费力的学习 我们仔细地研究了游戏为什么如此有趣并令人沉迷,并将其中的精髓融入到了Drops中。因此我们不仅创造出一款游戏化的学习应用,更创造出一种正确的游戏体验。它给你留下深刻印象的方式也许有点古怪,但正因为如此,你不是再将学习浪费在了玩乐中,而是利用这些时间为新语言积累了可观的知识财富。 ● 基于滑动的学习 我们并不看好使用键盘的学习效率。向真正快捷的滑动和点触say hello吧!你将能从你的“5分钟海绵”中挤出更多的水 :) ● 关键词汇筛选机制 是什么”也许比“怎样做”更重要。我们人工选取了超过1000个实用的单词,这些都将是你在异国使用这门新语言时用得到的。 ● 炼就学习习惯 Drops希望能够将你变成沉迷于学习的人。不管你的学习工具是多么的有效,如果你不能每天使用它,一切都是徒劳的。通过Drops,词汇们将像水滴一样渗入到你的思维中,这将更适合你! ----------------- 订阅长度: - 1个月 - 12个月 订阅价格: - 1个月 - 每月9.99美元 - 12个月 - 每年69.99美元 我们将不断努力使更多语言能够成为你记忆海洋中的水滴! 支付信息 如需帮助,请致信:sup@languagedrops.com 隐私政策及使用条款参照:http://planblabs.net/privacypolicy.html

    大小 294.57M 类型 教育
  • 8 排名

    当您在管理公司瓦线设备时,保持设备始终运行在最佳状态非常重要。iCorr app 应用程序是一个强大的工具,可以让您轻松了解您的设备状况,并提供实时监控和报告,确保您能够及时识别并解决任何潜在问题。 iCorr app 应用程序还提供报警和维保操作功能,让您能够更轻松地管理设备。如果有任何问题或故障,iCorr app 应用程序会自动发出报警,让您及时采取行动。同时,iCorr app 应用程序也可以记录维保操作,包括维修和更换设备部件等,帮助您跟踪设备的状态和维护历史记录。 除了报警和维保操作功能之外,iCorr app 应用程序还提供了一系列功能,帮助您管理公司瓦线设备。让您更全面地了解设备状况。此外,iCorr app 应用程序还提供了一个直观易用的界面,让您能够轻松访问和管理您的设备。 总之,如果您想要保持您的公司瓦线设备始终运行在最佳状态,并轻松管理您的设备,那么iCorr app应用程序是您的最佳选择。立即下载试试吧!

    大小 39.09M 类型 工具
  • 9 排名

    Preppy Wallpapers Aesthetic 4K is an wallpaper app that contains aesthetic wallpapers, we hope you enjoy our content. You will dive into Aesthetic wallpaper, girly wallpapers and cute wallpapers that will definitely look amazing on your iPhones&iPad. Aesthetic Wallpaper collections: Preppy Wallpaper Lively Wallpaper Aesthetic Wallpaper Girly Wallpapers Pink Wallpaper Bts Wallpaper Kuromi Wallpaper Scary Wallpapers Sanrio Wallpaper VSCO Wallpapers Stitch Wallpaper Cute Girl Wallpaper Xxxtentacion Wallpapers Cat Wallpapers Dog Wallpapers Love Wallpapers Wallpapers for Girls Cute Backgrounds Stitch Wallpaper Asthetic Wallpapers Girly Wallpapers Wallpaper 4K HD Name Wallpaper Bts Wallpaper Kawaii World Wallpapers Anime & Wallpaper Bts World Black Wallpaper Blue Wallpapers Aesthetic Wallpapers Wallpapers central Rick and Morty Wallpapers Bts Wallpaper Kawaii Wallpaper Sad Wallpapers Kwaii Wallpapers Aesthetic Backgrounds Bts World Wallpaper Kawii World Wallpapers Bts World Wallpapers Aesthetic Game Wallpaper Aesthetic Kit Lilo and Stitch Wallpaper Bts Wallpaper and many more Why all people love us: - The Aesthetic wallpaper focused app! - Add Text to Aesthetic backgrounds and save to the library - Awesome Aesthetic backgrounds collections - Sign with Apple feature - create list of your Favorite cat wallpapers - Share beautiful aesthetic preppy backgrounds, photos and images with family and friends. - Disable permanently ads in app! - Add beautiful filters to your favorite image and save it to library. Enjoy

    大小 29.70M 类型 生活
  • 10 排名

    Dans cette app, tous les programmes officiels du collège, lycée et BTS :) En collaboration avec les plus grandes maisons d'éditions, nous avons élaboré l'application la plus complète pour t'accompagner tout au long de ta scolarité. - La plus grande source de contenus de révisions en ligne - Plus de 10 000 questions avec explications - Des contenus officiels réalisés avec des professeurs certifiés, en partenariat avec les meilleurs éditeurs français. - Toutes les annales et fiches conseils par thématiques - Plus de 500 vidéos pédagogiques - Des statistiques pour suivre ta progression - Un mode hors-ligne sur le mobile Les niveaux disponibles : - Tous les BTS - Terminale et première générale - Terminale et première STMG - Terminale et première STL - Terminale et première ST2S - Terminale et première STI2D - Bac professionnel - Seconde - 3eme - 4eme - 5eme - 6eme Nos conditions générales d'utilisation : https://www.digischool.fr/conditions-generales-d-utilisation ATTENTION Vous aurez la possibilité de vous abonner pour avoir accès à la totalité des contenus 4 formules d'abonnement sont disponibles dans l'application : - digiSchool Pass 1 mois : 14,49€/mois sans engagement - digiSchool Pass 1 an : 7,99€/mois soit 95,88€/an sans engagement (facturé en un paiement) - Éducation 1 semaine : 4,99€/semaine sans engagement - Éducation 1 mois : 9,99€/mois sans engagement Votre abonnement sera automatiquement renouvelé jusqu'à la résiliation du renouvellement automatique au moins 24 heures avant la fin de la période de paiement en cours. Votre compte iTunes sera automatiquement prélevé au même prix pour le renouvellement durant les 24 heures précédant la fin de la période de paiement en cours, jusqu'à ce que vous changiez vos préférences d'abonnement dans vos Réglages. Lorsqu'un abonnement est résilié, l'accès aux cours et aux fonctionnalités de l'application expire à la fin de la période de paiement en cours. Contactez-nous par email à contact@digischool.com

    大小 71.00M 类型 教育
  • 11 排名

    All Things for Fans, Weverse Shop The official merch store for fans across the globe! Want to get the latest merch from your favorite artists? Then Weverse Shop is your answer! □ On Weverse Shop, You'll Find... 1. Membership, Membership-only Products, and Light Sticks! Join the official membership and get access to membership-only products! 2. Official Albums & Merch You'll find all the official albums and merch right here! Don't miss out on the Weverse Shop-exclusive special gifts! 3. Online Live Streaming Tickets Become a part of your favorite artist's fanmeetings, concerts, and more online! 4. Media Content (VOD) Buy the exclusive media content on Weverse Shop and watch them on Weverse! 5. Weverse by Fans Use your favorite artists' photos, logos, and texts to customize your very own merch! 6. Special Events for Weverse Shop Customers Buy from Weverse Shop and enter the raffles for offline fansign events, video call fansign events, showcases, and more! □ Follow Weverse Shop on social media! - Twitter: @weverseshop - Instagram: @weverseshop

    大小 47.87M 类型 购物
  • 12 排名

    BOSS TONE STUDIO dedicated for GT-1000. ●Connect the BOSS GT-1000 and your iPhone/iPad via Bluetooth to use this app. * BOSS GT-1000 is necessary to use this app. * Set up the Bluetooth connection in the Connection window displayed after the app is launched. ●BOSS TONE STUDIO incorporates convenient functions; ‘Download Function of Additional Tones (Livesets)’, ‘Tone Edit Function’, and ‘Tone Librarian Function’. ●This app provides an integrated access to the BOSS TONE CENTRAL website offering additional free contents for BOSS products. *An active internet connection is required to download the additional tones (Livesets). [Note] If you have old datas (LIVESET, STOMPBOX, ALL DATA ) of the "BTS for GT-1000" app, please backup your datas to cloud drive before updating GT-1000 to ver.1.20.

    大小 28.07M 类型 音乐
  • 13 排名

    Enjoy our Purple Wallpapers Preppy for Girls 4K app for FREE and find out for yourself why this is the only flower wallpapers, girly wallpapers, preppy wallpaper and sad wallpapers app you will ever need. Best Wallpapers 4K for everyone. ENJOY IT ! Some of our purple wallpapers collections: - Purple Wallpapers - Girl Wallpaper - Name Wallpaper - Blue Koala Wallpapers - Girly Wallpapers - 17 Wallpapers - Anime Wallpapers - Aesthetic Wallpaper - Black Wallpapers - Wallpaper Central - VSCO Wallpapers - Kuromi Wallpaper - Sanrio Wallpaper - Preppy Wallpaper - Stitch Wallpaper - Dope Wallpapers - Live Wallpaper - Blue Wallpapers - Sad Wallpapers - Purple Wallpapers 3D - Baddie Wallpaper - Creppy Wallpaper - Cute Wallpapers - Dog Wallpapers - Wallpapers for Girls - Sad Wallpapers - Wwe Wallpapers - Scary Wallpapers - Pocket Morty Wallpapers - Cool Backgrounds - Cat Wallpaper - Hello Kitty Wallpaper - Rapper Wallpapers - Pocket and Morty Wallpapers - Cool Wallpaper - Wallpapers Central - Glitter Wallpapers - Bts Wallpaper - Girl Wallpaper - Lilo and Stitch Wallpapers - Kawaii Wallpaper - Cute Wallpapers and many more. Why everyone love us: - The purple wallpapers preppy 4k & backgrounds app with 100% of content for everyone! - Add Text to purple wallpapers and save to the library - Awesome curated preppy and sad wallpapers collections - Sign with Apple feature - Favorite purple backgrounds - Fast and user friendly for a buttery smooth experience. - Share beautiful purple wallpaper, photos and images with family and friends. - Find black wallpapers you like? Share on pinterest, instagram, and more! - 100% FREE! No hidden charges. Download Purple Wallpapers Vsco Blue 4K to give your home and lock screen a lovely makeover and express yourself with some unique super preppy, kawaii, cute, purple and dope wallpaper and themes!

    大小 19.12M 类型 生活
  • 14 排名

    BOSS TONE STUDIO dedicated for GX-100. ●Connect the BOSS GX-100 and your iPhone/iPad via Bluetooth to use this app. * BOSS GX-100 (later than ver.1.10) and BluetoothR Audio MIDI Dual Adaptor (BT-DUAL) are necessary to use this app. * Set up the Bluetooth connection in the Connection window displayed after the app is launched. ●BOSS TONE STUDIO incorporates convenient functions; ‘Download Function of Additional Tones (Livesets)’, ‘Tone Edit Function’, and ‘Tone Librarian Function’. ●This app provides an integrated access to the BOSS TONE CENTRAL website offering additional free contents for BOSS products. *An active internet connection is required to download the additional tones (Livesets).

    大小 20.71M 类型 音乐
  • 15 排名

    Приложение представляет собой удобный инструмент для работы курьера или другого сотрудника, которому необходимо двигаться по маршруту или следовать в указанную точку. Оно позволяет организовать быстрое и удобное взаимодействие диспетчера и сотрудника, находящегося в «поле». Всю информацию приложение передает посредством GPRS связи в Аналитическую систему «БелТрансСпутник», обладающую интуитивно понятным интерфейсом и рядом визуально-аналитических функция для быстрого восприятия передаваемой информации.

    大小 42.31M 类型 导航
  • 16 排名

    Enjoy our Pink Wallpaper for Girls 4K app for FREE and find out for yourself why this is the only pink wallpaper app you will ever need. Girly wallpapers, hello kitty wallpaper, cute wallpapers, stitch wallpaper and many more wallpapers for ipad and iphone. Some of our Pink Wallpaper for Girls 4K collections: - Cute Wallpapers - Stitch Wallpapers - Cute Backgrounds - Wallpapers Maker - Hello World Wallpapers - Aesthetic Wallpapers - Wallpaper Themes - Girly Wallpapers - Dog Wallpaper - Pink Wallpaper - Wallpaper Themes - Asthetic Wallpaper - Aesthetic Wallpapers - Hello Kitty World Wallpapers 4K - Hello Kitty Wallpaper - Wallpaper for Ipad - Pink Cat Games Wallpapers - Lilo and stitch wallpaper - Kuromi Wallpapers - Cool Wallpapers - Wallpapers for Girls - Gaming Wallpapers - Cute Backgrounds - Cat Wallpaper - Bts Wallpaper - Hot Girls Wallpaper - Wallpaper Games - Moving Wallpapers - Wallpapers 4K - Cute Wallpapers for Girls - Anime Wallpapers - Anime Girl Wallpaper - Black Girl Wallpapers - Stitch Games Wallpapers - Preppy Wallpaper - Pink Game Wallpapers - SadWallpapers - Kwaii Wallpapers - Hello World Wallpapers - Preppy Wallpaper - Girly Wallpapers - Lilo and Stitch Wallpapers - Wallpaper for Girls - Gaming Wallpapers Boys - Blue Koala Wallpaper - Wallpaper for Kids - Kawaii World Wallpapers - Hello World Wallpapers - Preppy Wallpaper - Cute Wallpapers and many more. Download the most amazing pink cute backgrounds and get a lot of Pink wallpapers. Impressive Pink Wallpaper for your iPhone&iPad with many ultra-high resolution cute girly wallpapers. Pink Wallpaper for Girls Features: - Collections of Pink Kawaii Wallpaper - High quality Pink Cute Background - Set amazing images as cute girly wallpaper - Share girl wallpapers with friends - Save cute girly background to photo gallery Enjoy this Cute Wallpapers for FREE and find out for yourself why this is the only girly wallpapers app you will ever need. Why everyone love us: - The only wallpapers girls app with 100% of content for everyone! - Add Text to girly pink wallpaper and save to the library - Awesome curated girly wallpapers collections - Sign with Apple feature - Favorite girly wallpapers - Fast and user friendly for a buttery smooth experience. - Share beautiful girly wallpapers, photos and images with family and friends. - Find pink kawaii background you like? - 100% FREE! No hidden charges.

    大小 17.45M 类型 生活
  • 17 排名

    我们通过多样化的内容和信息将明星和全球粉丝们进行连接, 介绍并分享多样化文化内容的无国界沟通娱乐内容平台, 为全世界粉丝们提供与明星沟通,内容参与的特别体验, 给明星提供与全球粉丝们沟通,进军海外的机会, 为娱乐相关的所有制作公司,品牌,相关企业提供与全球粉丝圈一起创造梦想的机会。

    大小 80.59M 类型 生活
  • 18 排名

    The iRFR from ETC provides a remote for any Eos family lighting system (Eos, Eos Ti, Gio, Gio @5, Ion, Element and Eos/Ion Remote Processors). This application requires Eos family software 2.6 or higher on the connected lighting system. Eos 3.0 or higher is required for Focus Wand Please note the iRFR is NOT support by Cobalt. The iRFR supports most features needed for programming and playback. It does not support remote patching and system configuration. A tab-based system changes the displays from the full keyboard, moving light controls, direct selects, playback tools and a cue list. Security controls prevent un-authorized access to a lighting system.

    大小 63.84M 类型 工具
  • 19 排名

    Enjoy our preppy app Wallpapers for GIrls - Pink & Cute 4K for FREE and find out for yourself why this is the only preppy wallpaper, girly wallpapers and bts wallpaper app you will ever need. Some of our preppy wallpapers for girls collections: - Hello Kitty Wallpapers - Cute Wallpapers - Powerpuff Girls - Name Wallpaper - Kawaii Anime - Anime Wallpaper - Asthetic wallpapers & backgrounds - Live Wallpaper - Spider man Wallpaper - Anime Wallpaper - Lively Wallpaper - Aesthetic Wallpapers - Girl Wallpaper - Spider Man Wallpapers - Girly Wallpapers - Rose Gold Wallpaper - Blue Koala Wallpaper - Pink Wallpapers - Wallpaper for Girls - Cool Wallpaper - Cat Wallpapers - Wallpapers for Girls - Sad Wallpapers - Bff Wallpaper - Stitch Wallpaper - Lilo and Stitch Wallpapers - Aesthetic Wallpapers - Cute Wallpapers for Girls - Kawaii Wallpapers - Best Wallpapers 4K - Lilo and Stitch Wallpaper - Asthetic Wallpapers - Love Wallpapers - Glitter Wallpaper - Black Wallpapers - Blue Wallpapers - Pocket Morty Wallpapers - Kwaii Wallpapers - Kawaii World Wallpapers - Kawii World Wallpapers - Black Wallpapers - Cute Girly Wallpapers - Hello World Wallpapers - Hello Kitty Wallpapers - Preppy Wallpaper - Cute Aesthetic Wallpapers - Cute Girl Wallpaper - Wallpaper Central - Pocket Mortys Wallpapers - Vsco Girl wallpaper and many more. Why everyone love us: - The preppy wallpapers 4K & background app with 100% of content for everyone! - Add Text to wallpaper and save to the library - Awesome curated cute wallpapers collections - Fast and user friendly for a buttery smooth experience. - Share beautiful 4K best wallpapers, photos and images with family and friends. - Find cute wallpapers you like? - 100% FREE! No hidden charges. Download Wallpapers for Girl 4K - Cute Pink for FREE to give your home and lock screen a lovely makeover and express yourself with some preppy wallpapers and backgrounds!

    大小 17.22M 类型 娱乐
  • 20 排名

    Enjoy our Gaming Wallpapers Best Game 4K app for FREE and find out for yourself why this is the only fortnite wallpaper app you will ever need. Nba wallpapers, Baseball wallpaper, games wallpaper, sports wallpapers and many more. Some of our gaming wallpapers collections: Gaming Wallpapers Game Wallpapers Wallpaper Changer Overwatch Wallpaper Star Wars Wallpaper Sonic Wallpaper Harry Potter Wallpaper Anime Wallpapers Fancy Wallpapers Wallpaper Maker Animated Wallpaper Do Wallpaper Live Wallpaper 4D Wallpapers Wallpapers Games Fortnite Wallpapers 3D Wallpaper Epic Wallpapers Pokemon wallpapers Hello Kitty wallpapers Sports Wallpaper Star Wars Wallpapers Sports Wallpaper Nba Wallpaper Wwe 2k23 Wallpapers Soccer Wallpapers Fnaf Wallpapers Nba Wallpapers Basketball wallpapers Messi Wallpapers naruto Wallpapers Xxxtentacion Wallpapers Call of Duty Wallpapers and many more games. Why people love us: - The Gaming Wallpapers Best Games 4K focused game background app! - Add Text to sonic wallpapers and save to the library - Awesome games wallpapers collections - create list of your Favorite game background - Share beautiful gaming background with family and friends. - Disable permanently ads in app - Notifications announce news Add beautiful filters to your image and save it to library. Enjoy. Just foryou.

    大小 16.68M 类型 生活
  • 21 排名

    It’s seven years (till now) of blood, sweat and tears… … From the first revelation to first Daesang award… ... From free concert tickets to Guiness records… ...From darkest hours of “disband thought” to touching moments at UN… In this ARMY Quest:BTS ERAs game, you will take a journey back in time to relive unforgettable moments of our guys Please notice that this is a tribute game to ARMY community – who are BTS’s fans. This’s a fan made game, will not give you any songs or videos to download. It’s a level-by-level game, with many mini challenges (quiz, guess, knowledge, visual memory, find differences…) relate to the idol BTS. The first version of the game features 135 levels from very first days of debut to the end of Love Yourself ERA. The current ERA Map of the soul is in progress so I will include it in next update. Hope you enjoy it, ARMY! -------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER This is an unofficial fan-made application. It is not affiliated with or endorsed by BTS, their management teams, or their record labels.

    大小 73.38M 类型 益智解谜
  • 22 排名

    - ARMY HOP! is a game that challenges your reflexes and reaction time. - Play now and feel new KPOP music challenges wherever you are. ***HOW TO PLAY*** 1. Touch, hold and drag to 2 sides to control the ball to jump on the tiles. 2. Don't "fall" off the track! 3. Relax, enjoy KPOP music and challenges designed specifically for each song. The ball will dance to the beat of KPOP music. Listen to the music, follow the melody and use your abilities to control the ball and overcome the challenge. Don't release your hand while playing! All free! Play ARMY HOP!! today!

    大小 119.29M 类型 音乐
  • 23 排名

    Looking for a fun and engaging way to meet new people from all over the world? Look no further than JJAANN! Our online live hangout app is designed to help you find friends who share same passion, play game, and make new friends. Meet users from 100+ countries and chat about your passion: Join the fastest-growing global online community and chat about your passion! We have a variety of hangout for you to explore, from Kpop including BTS, TXT, Super Junior, to sports including NFL, NBA, and more. You can also create your own hangout and invite friends. JJAANN is more than just a live chat app - it's for building community. With our live global hangout, you can interact with users from 100+ countries and make new friends. Meet other fans who share your passion and make new friends: Are you tired of not finding someone to hang out with when you're free? JJAANN has got you covered! You can find live video chat rooms on almost any topic with the biggest in Kpop and sports (NFL, NBA). In our Kpop community, there are many fans of BTS, Blackpink, Super Junior, Stray Kids, and more. In our sports (NFL, NBA) community, there are many fans of Dallas Cowboys and Philadelphia Eagles. Engage in fun conversations on BTS, NFL, NBA with other fans, play Kpop or sports trivia game together, and who knows, you might even make new best friends! Customize your online event with JJAANN's hangout rooms: Are you looking to host a live online event such as a BTS trivia, NFL, NBA mock drafts but want to make it more engaging than a typical video conference on Zoom? Look no further than JJAANN! With our live video chat platform, you can customize your own personalized space with diverse background themes and stickers. Want to make it even more personal? Upload a background image from your own gallery. Don't worry about awkwardness when meeting new friends on JJAANN. We have fun party game on Kpop, BTS, sports, or general that will break the ice instantly! Plus, you can publish tickets inside JJAANN to ensure your friends arrive on time and get in the right room. Make your live online event a blast with JJAANN's customizable hangout rooms. Hang out with celebrities and influencers, including Kpop stars and sports (NFL, NBA) influencers: Ever dreamed of having the chance to hang out, play game, and interact with your favorite celebrity or influencer? JJAANN makes it possible! Some rooms on JJAANN are hosted by celebrities or influencers, including Kpop stars like Kyuhyun from Super Junior and sports (NFL, NBA) influencers. It's not one-way streaming, but two-way video chat, so you can directly interact with them face-to-face and even play game with them! Become a host yourself, grow your community, and earn incentives: Are you planning to start your own podcasts, YouTube channel, or even becoming an influencer on NFL, NBA, BTS, Kpop? We’re actively looking for creators just like you. If you are passionate about any certain topic or just have any stories to share, you are more than welcome to join our growing community of content creators that are willing to share their stories with the world in the most interactive and engaging way. Our team will guide you through the planning and help you grow your own community. Of course, there will be rewards and incentives to keep your game strong. Download JJAANN now and make your online socializing experience more fun, personal, and meaningful!

    大小 141.74M 类型 社交
  • 24 排名

    BOSS TONE STUDIO dedicated for WAZA-AIR https://youtu.be/v6n--QJ2QUI ●Connect the BOSS WAZA-AIR and your iPhone/iPad via Bluetooth to use this app. * BOSS WAZA-AIR is necessary to use this app. *Set up the Bluetooth connection in the Connection window displayed after the app is launched. ● BOSS TONE STUDIO incorporates convenient functions; ‘Download Function of Additional Tones (Livesets)’, ‘Tone Edit Function’, and ‘Tone Librarian Function’. ●This app provides an integrated access to the BOSS TONE CENTRAL website offering additional free contents for BOSS products. *An active internet connection is required to download the additional tones (Livesets).

    大小 15.21M 类型 音乐
  • 25 排名

    Break the language barriers and learn Korean to communicate with your Korean friends and understand Kdramas. With this exceptionally easy to use language learning app, you can make the most of your free time and learn Korean Language from anywhere, at any time. Immersive Language Learning Experience Learn Korean helps you by providing an immersive experience with essentials in reading, writing and speaking to help you become conversation fast! Audio pronunciations help with memorization! This app works well for both beginner and intermediate learners looking to become conversational. Offline Learning Supported Practice anytime, including on the plane, because you don't need internet! Learn Essentials of Korean Language Instead of investing in expensive Korean language learning courses, you can switch to this app to learn Korean wherever you are. You'll start off by learning about the characters and moving quickly to reading Korean! Then you can move on to essential such as questions and other vocabulary! Mini-games help you build your instincts! The secret to quickly learning is repetition. Each practice session is designed to help you understand the material while memorizing it when necessary. Features of The App: * Simple and easy UI/UX * Appealing layout and flashcard learning experience * Immersive character and number tracing, drawing, and typing to learn Korean * Practice using the Korean keyboard Here are some testimonials from our users: - I like this app because I can learn Korean more easily - I love this app so much five stars - I wanted so long to learn Korean and go to Korea! - I really like the repetition of writing the characters https://www.learnkoreanapp.com Download it today! Terms of use: https://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/itunes/dev/stdeula/ Privacy policy: https://www.learnkoreanapp.com/#privacypolicy

    大小 27.66M 类型 教育
  • 26 排名

    Приложение для автоматизации автопарка. С помощью BTS Driver вы можете: - Проверять техническое состояние автомобиля, фиксируя проблемы и неисправности. - Просматривать историю своих поездок, и отчеты экодрайвинга по каждой из них. - Просматривать свой рейтинг в автопарке, рассчитанный на основе показателей экодрайвинга, пробега, выполненных заказов и др. - Получить бесключевой доступ к автомобилю.

    大小 50.50M 类型 商务
  • 27 排名

    你是一个真正的kpop粉丝吗!使用这款Kpop Quiz游戏可测试你的K-pop乐队知识。包括K-pop组合 BTS、BLACKPINK、Twice、Exo、Seventeen、NCT,以及未来更新将增加更多。 本游戏为Kpop新手和真正的粉丝提供了具有挑战性的测验! 测试你属于bts防弹少年团还是blink粉丝

    大小 107.40M 类型 娱乐
  • 28 排名

    Albums & Content for All Fans! Weverse Albums Enjoy Weverse Albums, a platform album service you can enjoy anywhere, anytime! ㅁ Introducing the Service 1. Platform albums are a cool way to enjoy music. Weverse Albums service introduces a new concept of albums, with simplified designs and elements. 2. Simple QR Scan After purchasing the album, simply scan the QR code to add the album to the platform and enjoy the music! 3. Photobook (Media) No more printed photobooks! Now you can save the digital images on your device and enjoy them whenever you want to! 4. Photocards A digital collect book in my hand! Collecting and managing digital photocards become easier on the Weverse Albums app! 5. Covers in Motion Weverse Albums, it's one of a kind! Check out the motion covers of your favorite artists' albums! ㅁ 100% of the album sales of Weverse Albums will count for Hanteo Chart and Circle Chart.

    大小 24.27M 类型 音乐
  • 29 排名

    와간다에서는 - 사용자들이 올린 전 세계 장소 리뷰 - 광고성 리뷰 0%를 목표로 실제 사용자들의 솔직한 리뷰 - '와간다'의 파트너 장소들에서는 작은 이벤트들과 할인정보 안내 - 전세계 어디든 친구들이 다녀온 장소, 나만의 장소를 손쉽게 공유 오늘은 어디로 떠나볼까? - 카페, 문화생활, 맛집 등의 추천 큐레이션 - 컨셉에 따라 와간다에서 제안하는 힙스팟들 #증강현실(AR) 모드 - 내 근처 추천 장소를 증강현실(AR)로 보여드려요! #지도(Map) 모드 - 지도 위에 표시되는 현재 내 위치와 근처 장소들 #리스트(List) 모드 - 와간다에서 직접 큐레이션한 추천장소 리스트 안내 - 사용자 위치기반 장소리스트 안내 #추천장소 - 주제별로 큐레이션 된 장소들과 거리, 평점 등의 필터를 통한 맞춤형 추천 장소 - 지역별로 평점 4.0이상의 장소들 추천 - 키워드별로 와간다에서 직접 제공하는 추천 장소 - 에디터들의 지역별, 카테고리별 장소 추천 스토리 #길찾기 - 전 세계 어디서든 길 잃을 걱정 없어요. AR화살표만 따라가세요! - 길치, 방향치들의 필수앱 - 해외 여행지에서도 사용 가능

    大小 432.69M 类型 生活
  • 30 排名

    Enjoy our Kawaii Wallpaper Cute Best 4K for Girls app for FREE and find out for yourself why this is the only cute girly wallpapers app you will ever need. Kawaii wallpaper, hello kitty wallpaper, pink wallpaper, cute wallpapers and many more. Some of our wallpaper collections: - Kawaii Wallpaper - Anime Wallpapers - Cute Wallpapers - Girl Wallpapers - Paired Wallpaper - Thanksgiving Wallpapers - Girly Wallpapers - Cute Wallpaper - Stitch Wallpapers - Wallpapers for Girls - Wallpapers ios 17 - Anime Girl Wallpaper - Vsco Wallpaper - Kawaii World Wallpaper - Kawaii World Wallpapers - Girl Wallpaper - Bts Wallpaper - Wallpapers 17 - Sad Wallpapers - Spider Man Wallpapers - Asthetic Wallpapers - Moving Wallpaper - Vsco Wallpapers - Pink Wallpaper - Kawaii World Wallpapers - Lilo and Stitch Wallpapers - Stitch Wallpapers - Cute Girl Wallpapers - Kawaii Games Wallpapers - Blue Wallpapers - Preppy Wallpaper - Best Wallpapers 4K - Hello kitty Wallpapers - Fnaf Wallpapers - Dog Wallpaper - Cat Wallpapers - Wallpaper Games - Purple Wallpapers - Free Backgrounds - Cute Backgrounds - Sanrio Wallpaper - Cute Aesthetic Wallpapers and many more. Why everyone love us: - The kawaii wallpaper for girls app with 100% of content for everyone! - Add Text to wallpaper and save to the library - Awesome curated cute wallpapers collections - Favorite wallpapers - Fast and user friendly for a buttery smooth experience. - Share beautiful pink wallpapers, photos and images with family and friends. - Find cute wallpapers you like? - 100% FREE! No hidden charges. Download Kawaii Wallpapers Cute Best 4K for Girls HD for FREE to give your home and lock screen a lovely makeover and express yourself with some unique super adorable, girly, cute and girly wallpaper and themes!

    大小 18.62M 类型 生活
  • 31 排名

    다양한 종류의 리뷰를 하나의 어플로 관리하기 위해 만들어진 5 STARS 입니다. 책, 영화, TV프로그램, 음식점, 공연전시, 음악에 대한 리뷰 북을 만들 수 있습니다. 추후 더 다양한 카테고리를 추가해 나갈 예정입니다 :) Open API를 이용하여 리뷰하고자 하는 대상의 데이터 일부를 자동으로 가져올 수 있어 보다 쉽고 간편하게 리뷰 작성이 가능합니다. 지금부터 나만의 리뷰 기록을 시작해보세요!

    大小 180.61M 类型 生活
  • 32 排名

    APP com canais da TV aberta diretamente pra você!

    大小 14.29M 类型 娱乐
  • 33 排名

    Enjoy our Glitter Purple Wallpapers 4K app for FREE and find out for yourself why this is the only girly wallpapers, kawaii wallpaper, pink wallpaper and aesthetic wallpapers app you will ever need. Some of our wallpaper collections: - Glitter Wallpapers - Aesthetic Wallpapers - Asthetic Wallpapers - Purple Wallpapers - Aesthetic Wallpapers - Wallpaper maker - Wallpapers 15 - Wallpapers for Girls - Lilo and Stitch Wallpapers - Glitter Wallpaper - Stitch Games - Sad Wallpaper - Anime Wallpaper - Live Wallpaper - Girl Wallpaper - Wallpaper Central - Preppy Wallpaper Vsco Best 4K - Preppy Bff Wallpapers - Wallpapers for Kids - Pink Wallpaper - Best Wallpapers 4K - Cute Backgrounds - Do Wallpapers - Anime Girl Wallpaper - Bts Wallpaper - Ios 17 Wallpapers - Girly Wallpapers - Hello Kitty Wallpapers - Cute Wallpapers for Iphone - Asthetic Wallpapers - VSCO Wallpapers - Preppy Wallpaper - Kawaii Anime Wallpapers - Blue Wallpapers - Pink Wallpaper - Anime Wallpaper - Hello Kitty Games Wallpapers - Stitch Games Wallpapers - Best Wallpapers 4K - Anime & Wallpaper - Wallpapers for Girls - Cute Wallpapers - Hello Kitty Wallpaper - Dog Wallpapers - Hello World Wallpapers - Cute Wallpaper - Kawaii Wallpapers and many more Why everyone love us: - The glitter purple wallpapers 4k for girls & background app with 100% of content for everyone! - Add Text to preppy wallpaper and save to the library - Awesome curated girly, preppy and cute wallpapers collections - Sign with Apple feature - Favorite glitter backgrounds - Fast and user friendly for a buttery smooth experience. - Share beautiful purple wallpaper, photos and images with family and friends. - Find girly wallpapers you like? Share on pintrest, instagram, and more! - 100% FREE! No hidden charges. Download Purple Wallpapers Glitter for FREE to give your home and lock screen a lovely makeover and express yourself with some unique super glitter, kawaii and gilry wallpaper and themes!

    大小 19.90M 类型 生活
  • 34 排名

    Recommended by CNN and Lonely Planet, this is Bangkok's best subway map! Up-to-date with all the BTS and MRT metro lines; Works offline; Routeplanner, GPS, Street maps; English and Thai included. Download the app completely free! The free app is ad-supported. Upgrade to VIP features if you'd like to get extra features, remove ads and support future development! WHY EXPLOREMETRO? 1. Fully up-to-date Accurate metro map, includes every station on every line. Free updates for future station openings and timetable changes. 2. Designed for iPhone X, XR, XS Our gorgeous maps have been fully redesigned for the iPhone X. Runs on all iOS9-13 devices. 3. Designed for iPad Specially redesigned interface for the larger iPad screen with split screen. Drag and drop station names, tips, maps and timetables into other apps. 4. Street maps for every station Need to get your bearings at a station? Integrated Street maps show you metro exits and nearby streets for every station. 5. Route-planner A really easy route-planner. Get route and time information for any journey with just three taps. 6. "Find my nearest station" Using your GPS, see a list of the closest metro stations to your current location. 7. Works offline Everything works without an Internet connection. Search stations and plan routes on the go. UPGRADE TO VIP FOR EVEN MORE FEATURES I've been developing this app for 10 years. Upgrading to VIP helps support future development of the app. VIP users get additional features, like NO ADS, accurate prices for every journey, first/last train times, offline street maps, tips at every station, and a general warm fuzzy feeling. REVIEWS CNN Travel: "These maps are very easy on the eye and simple to navigate. They work offline and also include free updates of stations that have yet to be completed, operating hours and schedules." Lonely Planet: "Easy to use, up to date and work offline. Very handy, especially when they've run out of paper maps at the stations." SUGGESTIONS We'd love to hear your comments and suggestions on ways to improve the app. Please contact us via support@exploremetro.com, as we can't respond to comments left in the reviews.

    大小 44.40M 类型 旅游
  • 35 排名

    Enjoy our Cute Wallpapers for Girls 4K app for FREE and find out for yourself why this is the only cute preppy wallpaper app you will ever need. Kawaii wallpaper, hello kitty wallpapers, pink wallpaper, cool wallpaper, girly wallpapers and many more. Some of our wallpaper collections: - Name Wallpaper - Hello Kitty Wallpapers - Cute Wallpapers - Live-Wallpapers - Anime & Wallpaper - Wallpaper Engine - Anime Girl Wallpaper - Kuromi Wallpaper - Preppy Wallpaper - Create Wallpaper - Custom Wallpapers - Do Wallpapers - Wallpapers Games - Wallpaper Engine - Lilo and Stitch Wallpapers - Preppy Wallpaper - Aesthetic Wallpaper - Live-wallpapers - Live Wallpaper - Kwaii World Wallpapers - Cute Walpapers - Stitch Wallpaper - Dark Wallpapers - Wallcraft Wallpapers Live 4K - Wallpaper Cute - Wallpaper for Kids - Blue Koala Wallpapers - Best Wallpapers 4K - Wallpapers 17 - Wallpapers for free - Preppy Wallpapers - Free Wallpapers - Kawaii Anime - Cool Wallpapers - Anime Wallpaper - Wallpaper Central - Wallpaper 4K HD - Girl Wallpaper - Girly Wallpapers - Aesthetic Wallpaper - Cute Wallpaper for ipad - Cute Wallpapaer - Wallpaper Themes - Pink Wallpaper - Wallpaper for Girls - Central Wallpaper - Wallpaper Games - Free Live Wallpapers - Cute Girly Wallpaper - Anime Girl Wallpaper - Cute Wallpapers for Girls - Kawaii Wallpapers - Black Wallpaper - Kwaii Wallpapers - Kwaii World Wallpapers - Kawaii World Wallpapers - Cute Girly Wallpapers - Hello World Wallpapers - Dark Wallpaper - Hello Kitty Wallpapers - Black Wallpapers - Cat Wallpapers - Blue Wallpapers - Cute Wallpaper - Black Backgrounds - Purple Wallpapers - Cool Wallpaper - Cute Walpaper - Cute Wallpapper - Kawaii Anime Wallpapers - Girl Wallpaper - Best Wallpapers 4K - Cute Backgrounds and more Why everyone love us: - The cute wallpapers for girls & background app with 100% of content for everyone! - Add Text to wallpaper and save to the library - Awesome curated cute wallpapers collections - Fast and user friendly for a buttery smooth experience. - Share beautiful pink wallpapers, photos and images with family and friends. - Find cute wallpapers you like? - 100% FREE! No hidden charges. Download Cute Wallpapers for Girls 4K for FREE to give your home and lock screen a lovely makeover and express yourself with some cute wallpapers and backgrounds!

    大小 20.82M 类型 生活
  • 36 排名

    Are you ready to make your Idol a champion? ■ Pre-voting for “Show Champion” and Events on MBCPLUS - Please participate in the pre-voting for MBC M ‘Show Champion’ every week - Please fill the waiting room of your favorite artist's ‘Show Champion’ with what the artist likes by voting to decorate the waiting room. - Participate in various broadcast events related to your artist, such as show champion tickets, signed polaroids, and signed CDs, and unique goods! ■ Various artist benefits only available at IDOLCHAMP - If you make your artist 1st on the IDOLCHAMP chart every month, TV CF and special benefits will be provided for a month. - Please support your artist with various benefits that can only be seen on IDOLCHAMP, such as subway ads, outdoor ads, PC bang music videos ads, magazine ads, and YouTube ads. ■ How to support artists in differently - Please participate in voting on various topics with special benefits that come up every day. - At IDOLCHAMP, you can cheer for artists with outdoor ads you want by raising money for fandom advertisements. ■ Broadcast video content and quiz - You can watch ‘Show Champion’, ‘Weekly Idol’ Replay & Pre-release, Preview, Behind-the-scenes, and various unreleased videos for free first! - Through the idol quiz content, get a chance to get chamsim to cheer for the artist ■ SNS - allthekpop youtube : https://www.youtube.com/c/ALLTHEKPOP - twitter : https://twitter.com/idolchamp1 ■ Introduction to access to smartphone apps - We are requesting access to provide the following services when using the app. [Selective access] - Pictures/Video/File: Access to gallery related to profile pictures, use stored files on the device related to the charging station, and external storage of the device. ■ Customer service - HOME > Sidebar > Customer service > FAQ/1:1 inquiry> 1:1 inquiry - E-mail : mbcplus@mbcplus.com Terms of use: https://ui.idolchamp.com/en/terms/index.html Privacy policy: https://ui.idolchamp.com/en/terms/index.html#/privacy-policy

    大小 83.33M 类型 娱乐
  • 37 排名

    推し活をして生きるあなたの「今日も生きてて幸せ」を、支えるためにアプデを続けているアプリです。 ◆こんな方におすすめ ・推しですべてを埋め尽くしたい ・推しがいる ・推しがたくさんいる ・よくわからないけど忙しい ・大切な日に限って、忘れがち ・推しの画像がたくさんある ・推しの情報確認するHPやSNSの数が多い ・スケジュール帳を使った細かい管理は苦手 ・推しが紀元前生まれ ・推しの色(概念)を知っている 【できること】 ■ホーム画面に推しのバナーと機能を組み合わせて設置できます。(ウィジェットという機能です) ・「推しはじめて○日」を表示 ・声の補給ができる(推しの音声データをホーム画面に設定していつでも聞ける) ・推し画像複数枚を登録すると、画像が動くアルバムがつくれる ・推しがApple Musicで配信していたらその曲をいつでもホーム画面で再生 ・YouTubeの最新動画をホーム画面に常に表示(タップでその動画を開けます) ・YouTubeの推しのチャンネル登録者数をホーム画面に固定表示 ・YouTubeの推しのチャンネル総再生回数をホーム画面に固定表示 ・推しのツイキャスの最新配信やライブをホーム画面に表示 ・推しのTwitchの最新アーカイブをホーム画面に表示 ・ニコニコ動画で特定のキーワードで表示される動画をホーム画面に表示 ・推し占い(占い結果ごとに自分の推しの画像を設定) ・推しの天気予報(自分の推しの画像を設定。嫌な天気も少し気分が幸せになります) ・常に表示される忘れない予定表 ・重要予定のカウントダウン ・画像だけのウィジェット ・「デビューから○日」 ・「生誕から○日」 ・「活動開始から◯日」 ・「配信開始から◯日」 ・「初ライブから◯日」 ・「好きになって◯日」 ・「結成から◯日」 ・「出会ってから◯日」 ・推しの充電(充電しないと推しが見えなくなっていく仕様が利用可能) ・オリジナル(仮)ウィジェット(リンクや文字が自由に設定できます) ・推しのTwitterの最新表示をホーム画面に表示→Twitter社の連携機能変更のため不調です(2023/07/14) ・推しが過去ツイートした画像をランダムで思い出表示するウィジェット→Twitter社の連携機能変更のため不調です(2023/07/14) ※画像、推し始めて、デビューから、生誕から、活動開始から、配信開始から、初ライブから、好きになって、結成から、のウィジェットはロック画面にも表示可能です ※ios16以降限定 ■推し活用のキーボード ・推しの画像を使ったキーボードを作成 ・推し始めて◯日を表示可能 ・日本語とローマ字に対応   ※試作版となり、利用者のご意見を募集してます! ■推し活用のプロフィール(BIO・自己紹介WEB) ・推し活の取り組み方を整理できます ・WEBに公開できます(入力のみも可 ■推しリンク集 ・推しのHPやSNSをまとめられます。 ・オリジナル画像やタイトルをつけられます。 ■推し活メモ ・画像や文章を推し毎に保存できます。 ・ライブや配信などのイベント、推しの日記、グッズ購入やゲームの記録、譲渡の履歴管理などにも使えます ■その他の便利なこと ・紀元前に対応した誕生年設定 ・推しの誕生日や記念日、大切な予定にあわせた通知 ・最大2色設定可能な「推し色」※CPやシンメの設定にオススメです ・AppleID連携することで、複数の端末で同じデータを使用することができます ◆機能のアイデア、困っていることを募集中 アプリ内の運営連絡フォーム、もしくは下記アカウントをフォローの上、ご連絡ください。 ※すべてに返信をすることは難しいかもしれませんが必ず拝見いたします。 公式 : https://twitter.com/Oshibana0487 ◆開発中の機能 サービスのアイデア、改善を進めている事、開発中の機能については、下記URL((Trello))にて公開しております。 開発中の機能 : https://trello.com/b/E9C5Ac1M これからも推し活を楽しむあなたの「今日も生きてて幸せ」を応援します。 ーーーーーーーーー 【プレミアムについて】 ■推しバナー(ウィジェット)をデコれます! 無制限、使い放題、重ね放題、変更し放題! こんな方におすすめ! ・推しマーク選びたい ・気分によってマークつけたい ・生誕祭近いならケーキとかキラキラをつけたい ・重ねてつけてCP推しや箱推しをしたい ・オリジナルにカスタマイズしたい これからまだまだやりたいことがあるのですが、まずは 推しへの愛情表現がホーム画面で表現できるようにハートから用意しました。 ハートはいくらあっても困らないから1000種類用意してみました。 それから推しマークは外せない!と思って3000種類選べるようにしました。 ・1000種類のハート(スタンプやフレーム) ・3000種類以上の絵文字 ・200種類以上のクリエイタースタンプ ※リクエストをアプリ内で受け付けています プラン 1)月間払い 400円/月 2)年間払い 3800円/年 毎年20%お得 ※初回の方は7日間無料お試しができます。 今後プレミアムでできることをどんどん追加していきます! ーーーーーーーーー ■機能のアイデア、困っていることを募集中 アプリ内の運営連絡フォーム、もしくは下記アカウントをフォローの上、ご連絡ください。 ※すべてに返信をすることは難しいかもしれませんが必ず拝見いたします。 公式 : https://twitter.com/Oshibana0487 ■開発中の内容 サービスのアイデア、改善を進めている事、開発中の機能については、下記URL(Trello)にて公開しております。 https://trello.com/b/E9C5Ac1M ■利用できるOS iOS14.0以降となります。アップデートしてご利用ください。 ーーーーーーーーー <注意事項(Oshibanaプレミアム特有)> ●機種変更時 機種変更時には、プレミアムの登録状態を復元できます。 変更したiPhone端末の設定にて、購入時と同じAppleIDでログインしてください。 ●無料トライアル ・初めてプレミアムに登録する場合のみ利用可能です。 ・無料トライアル終了後は自動的に月額の課金になります。 ●対応地域 プレミアムは日本国内のみ対応です。 今後海外でも利用可能になるよう検討予定です。 ●解約後 解約を行っても、有効期間内はプレミアムを使用可能です。有効期間をすぎると、ホーム画面に設置していたプレミアム関連の表示が停止します。 ●利用できるOS iOS14.0以降となります。アップデートしてご利用ください。 ●iPad iPadは各種未対応です。(iPhoneSEの形式で表示される可能性が高いですが未検証となります。) <注意事項(他アプリ同様にApple上そうなっているもの)> ●登録状況の確認 ・下記の手順で確認/設定ができます。 「AppStore」のアプリ>Todayタブ画面の右上のユーザーアイコン>サブスクリプション ●課金 ・本サービスは自動更新のサブスクリプションです。解除手続きをするまで自動的に更新されます。 ・期間終了前の24時間以内に月額料金が請求されます。 ・iTunesで登録したApple IDアカウントを経由して課金されます。 購読期間終了前の24時間前までに解約しない限り自動的に購読継続となります。 ・自動更新の課金は、契約期間の終了後24時間以内に行われます。 ●登録解除(プレミアムの利用中止) ・アプリを削除することは解約にはなりません。 ・アプリ側(運営側)では解約手続きができません。 ・下記の手順で確認/解約ができます。 「AppStore」のアプリ>Todayタブ画面の右上のユーザーアイコン>サブスクリプション ・自動継続期間終了日の24時間以上前に自動更新の解除をされない場合、契約期間が自動更新されます。 ・解約を行っても、有効期限内は機能を使用可能です。 ●キャンセル ・キャンセルについてはアプリ側では受け付けができないので、Apple側へ問い合わせをお願いします。 ●決済の不具合等Appleへの問い合わせ Apple サポートからお問い合わせください▽ https://support.apple.com/ja-jp/billing ※正常に登録されていることが確認できているがアプリの機能が表示されない等の不具合はOshibana運営へ問い合わせをお願いします。アプリ内の運営連絡フォームをご利用ください。 ●利用規約 https://oshibana-app.web.app/terms_of_service.html ●プライバシーポリシー https://oshibana.fun/privacy_policy.html これからも推し活を楽しむあなたの「今日も生きてて幸せ」を応援します。 ーーーーーーーーー アプリ内使用のイラスト協力 藍川蓮 Twitter▽ https://twitter.com/aikwarendbiryut 不意に現れた、 歳の離れた義妹の話▽ https://share.ganma.jp/magazines/fuiniarawareta ーーーーーーーーー

    大小 167.43M 类型 娱乐
  • 38 排名

    BOSS TONE STUDIO dedicated for KATANA BASS ●Connect the BOSS KATANA BASS and your iPhone/iPad via Bluetooth to use this app. * BOSS KATANA BASS (later than ver.1.03) and Bluetooth Audio MIDI Dual Adaptor (BT-DUAL) are necessary to use this app. *Set up the Bluetooth connection in the Connection window displayed after the app is launched. ● BOSS TONE STUDIO incorporates convenient functions; ‘Download Function of Additional Tones (Livesets)’, ‘Tone Edit Function’, and ‘Tone Librarian Function’. ●This app provides an integrated access to the BOSS TONE CENTRAL website offering additional free contents for BOSS products. *An active internet connection is required to download the additional tones (Livesets).

    大小 14.44M 类型 音乐
  • 39 排名

    ● 감각적 타투 도안 여기 다 모였다, 홈 타츠의 감각으로 선보이는 유니크한 타투 도안을 한 눈에! 스타일별 검색은 기본, 맞춤 탐색 기능으로 Tatts에서 다양하게 타투 쇼핑하기 ● 나에게 꼭 맞는 타투 제대로 알아보기, 모아보기 나만의 맞춤 필터로 내가 원하는 타투, 타투이스트 바로 찾기 지역, 스타일, 타투이스트 별 나에게 꼭 맞는 타투 찾기 ● 내가 찜한 타투 바로 적용하기, 카메라 타투 카메라로 내가 원하는 타투 내몸에 적용해보기 진짜 타투 시술 전 가상으로 나와 타투의 궁합 맞춰보기 타투와 함께 찍은 사진 SNS에 공유(SHARE)하기! ● 내가 찜한 타투도안, 타투이스트 모아보기, 좋아요 내가 담아 놓은 타투, 문신, 관심 타투이스트들을 한 눈에 모아볼 수 있어요. 타츠가 제안하는 매력적인 타투로 나만의 특별함을 몸에 새겨보세요. 유명 타투이스트 타투디자인 한 번에 비교! 타투정보앱 Tatts

    大小 49.45M 类型 生活
  • 40 排名

    BTSMobile - мобильная версия Аналитической системы мониторинга транспорта «Диспетчер» от белорусской Компании «БелТрансСпутник». BTSMobile - быстый и удобный способ получения информации (местоположение, маршрут передвижения, пробег, расход топлива и др.) по «подключенным» к Системе объектам мониторинга: транспортным средствам, сотрудникам и все это в режиме реального времени.

    大小 51.94M 类型 导航
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